Quiet Waters (boyxboy)

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Hey! this is my first story on Wattpad, and I'm pretty excited, and this is a boyxboy story, if you didn't see the title, anyways, hope you enjoy and comment and vote. That's all for now! Oh, and Melsworld created the awesome cover, thanks again, Melsworld!

Chapter 1: Cole's POV

I grunted as the hard impact of my teammate slammed into me as I tried to charge through him. Luckily for me, but unfortunately for my fellow teammate, I was bigger and stronger, so of course I got through him.

As I sprinted to the five-yard line, I heard my coach blow his whistle and the he proceeded to shout, “Bradley, good work out there, man,”

I grunted as every guy does as some sort of 'your welcome'. I didn't understand why we did that though, but I didn't give a damn.

“Ok, team, we're done for the day, let's hit the showers!” I called out since I was the star quarterback, and I was supposed to be a good 'team leader'. I guess I was an ok leader...wait, scratch that, I was an awesome leader. Hell yeah.

I then felt a hand grasp onto my shoulder. I turned around to see my best friend, Caleb Matthews. “Hey, Cole,” he began. Now, I should probably explain something to you. I had known Caleb for a very long time, and I have developed the theory of how he talks correlates to how he feels. For example, right now, he was using his, 'dude, I, like really need something from you' voice. “You know the party this Friday night at Caitlin Castlte's house?” I nodded. “You can hook a brother up, right?”

I sighed; of course Caleb would want to go since Caitlin's parties were always the best...well, except for mine of course. But I wasn't allowed to have any parties because of my bastard of a father. God, did I hate his guts....

But, being the amazing friend that I am, I tell Caleb sure, and then we talk about what a bitch some our teachers can be. Both of us, and I'm sure a vast majority of high school students in the world, have had their share of teachers that didn't teach them anything...what a waste of our government's money and resources.

So the entire Varsity football team was in the locker room, and then Coach stood up on one of the benches, and shouted for us to shut the hell up. “So this Friday, we have our game against Glendale high school, and so far, they're undefeated, so we'll need to put in more hours this week than ever, alright?”

We all nodded in agreement; we were all like a huge family of only guys, and it was pretty cool, no drama, just a bunch of dudes playing an awesome sport.

Caleb and I talked about who would be at Caitlin's party and who we did and didn't have sex with yet, and admittedly, my 'have' list was a bit shorter than my 'have not', and a whole lot shorter than Caleb's long-ass list.

“Don't worry, dude, you'll find that there are plenty of hot girls waiting to get laid this Friday, you'll see.” He said goodbye to me and left the locker room, leaving me in it alone as usual since I was always the last one in the locker room since I had to make sure that no one left anything 'funny' behind. I swear not all football players are jerks....

I walked home since my truck was in the shop getting the engine fixed, and God, did I hate walking after being so used to my truck. My feet were killing me, especially after those tackling drills and sprints in football practice.

As I was walking home though, I heard an almost-silent splash from the house next to mine. The splash was so quiet, it sounded beautiful to me...not to be gay or anything.... Now, I knew that my neighbors had a pool, we were in California so of course people had pools, it's just that I didn't know exactly who my neighbors were. Some call it antisocial, I call it minding my own business.

Quiet Waters (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now