"So, was I right?" he asked. "Are people giving you shit for keeping the kiss?"

"You were right," I muttered, displeased that I had to admit it. "But it's whatever. I can manage it just fine."

"Never said you couldn't."

I looked at Axel then and saw that he was giving me a small smile. His eyes were the same colour as the sky, I noticed, and suddenly I felt like I could breathe. As I stared at him for a moment, my lungs seemed to be taking in everything, just like my eyes.

"Like what you see?" Axel then asked, ruining the moment.

I rolled my eyes and looked away. "No. I'm just wondering why you're here. What's your motive?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Can't I just be a nice guy who's worried about his fellow classmate?"

I gave him a look and he grinned. That earned him another eye roll.

"You know me so well," he said. "How sweet."

"Everyone knows you," I shot back. "You make sure of that."

"No," he said, oddly defensive. "Everyone thinks they know me, but they only see the guy that I want them to see."

I couldn't help but look surprised, causing Axel to look away. He grumbled something incoherent and I stared at him, wondering what he meant by that. Axel had always been this guy who tried to stand out. He always tried to get in trouble when we were younger and now he was the cool guy everyone aspired to be. Was he trying to imply that it was all an act?

"I know you," Axel said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Quite well, actually."

"How?" I asked. "We've rarely talked."

"But I know you," he repeated. "You don't care about what others think. You work hard to achieve what you want. You do what you believe is right and what you want is what matters the most to you."

"You seem to know a bit about me," I admitted. "But you don't really know me. At least, what matters to me."

I was surprised he seemed to notice these things about me. We never spoke before and I only really spoke to Hannah, so I was surprised that Axel had figured this much on his own. He was almost spot on, but he was wrong about what matters most to me. It wasn't what I wanted that mattered to me, but what my parents wanted.

"Then what does?" Axel asked.

   "What are you doing here?" I asked, seriously questioning what we were doing outside, talking alone as if we were friends. "Seriously Axel."

   I stared at his blue eyes and he stared back at my brown ones. Our eyes stayed glued to each other's and we seemed to be challenging each other, wanting to figure out the truth. What we were trying to figure out was a mystery to me.

   "I don't like how everyone is treating you," he said, serious. "I never knew our school was filled with assholes."

   "Same," I agreed. "I knew they were idiots, but assholes? No. I never thought they were capable of bullying."

   I found myself frowning at the truth. My peers were bullying me and I had never imagined myself as a victim. For most of my life I had just been some girl in their class, but now I was a target. And the truth was, I hated the idea of that. I who was strong and independent couldn't possibly be bullied.

   "They're just bitter," Axel said. "Desperate for love and this game is a way to get physical affection from someone easily."

   "Is that why you want to win so badly?" I asked, curious. "You crave love and this is an easy way to get some?"

   "No," he scoffed. "I don't need a game to get some loving."

   I rolled my eyes, but still I wondered. Axel wasn't like the others. He wasn't bullying me into passing the kiss and he wasn't even pushing advances on me as we talked. I knew he really wanted to win, but why? What did he want from it that still managed to keep him a decent person.

   "Look, Zoey," he said. "If people bother you, just tell me. Call me to your side and I'll help you."

   My eyes narrowed and I was about to ask if he was joking, but Axel gave me a serious look. He looked sure of this and something in me stirred, but I simply shook my head.

   "I don't need your help," I said. "I'm fine."

   "I know you are. You're strong and you can handle yourself just fine," he said. "But everyone needs help here and there. If you need any just know that I'm here. Okay?"

   Axel looked ready to argue and because I was tired, I simply said, "Okay."

   Axel smiled and then he stood up. He ran his fingers through his hair and I watched him, noticing the way the sun hit him. It made him look holy and I nearly laughed out loud at the thought.

   "I have to go," he said, looking down at me. "See you later."

   Axel turned around and walked off, leaving me staring after him. It was strange to be able to talk to him. Even stranger that I felt calmer now. But knowing that I was supposed to hate him, I kept telling myself that this was just an act. He only wanted the kiss from me, so that was why he was acting like this. But to surprise, I found it hard to convince myself.

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