Summoning a Warrior

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The land was pitch white and not a single person was seen, but voices were heard. The voices of a Wish Granter and a man desperate for help.

"I am the Eternal Dragon." The Wish Granter voice spoke up within the light. "State your 2 wishes and make it snappy."

Footsteps approached the Eternal Dragon and prepared for the wish the person desired.

"I wish for a warrior.. A Powerful and Courageous warrior to fight along side me in battle!! Someone with the strength to protect time itself!!" The man's voice was desperate for this help he has asked for.

The Eternal Dragon groaned as if agitated.

"That is a big order for me to fill.. Are you sure young man?"

"Yes!! Please,I beg of you!!" The voice was concerned and the Eternal Dragon had no choice but to give in to the man's wish.

"Very well.. I will see what I can do.. This may take some time so be patient." The Eternal Dragon's eyes began to glow red which was the only color through the white land as he searched for a warrior of great strength and bravery for his wisher.


Mason and I were training on our watch tower with many more people who just watched us. Our dads,Loki and Thor. Yes I said DADS my parents aren't gay but even though my brother and I are twins, we have different fathers

They watched from a distance with our teacher Mr.Willow and my little sister Abigaelle. She was 4 while I was 18 and I was quite small for my age.

My brother threw punches at me, left and right. He was very tall compared to me even if we are the same age. My little sister had black hair like my mother and light blue eyes like my father. And I was small with light brown and lime green hair. I wore glasses and my eyes were dark brown. We all had Saiyan tails,passed on from our mother. We were an odd bunch of siblings but we loved each other even if we did punch each other alot. Not Abi though.

My brother started using his powers and hit me with a Black and Blood Red energy attack filled with the Hatred of people around the world. I remembered how Mr.Willow said this was an ordinary Melee fight and my own BROTHER shot me with one of his most powerful attacks that could've killed me!! I shot my Gems at him as my fingers turned into emeralds. He didn't like this. He stood there and his hair turned from pitch black to gold and his eyes went from night black to blue. He went Super Saiyan. I was about to yell something but he dashed up and punched hard enough that I flew off the lookout. I flew back up holding my left cheek and stared at him angrily.

"You disobedient jerk Mason!!!" I yelled and he looked at me confused.

"Mr.Willow said it's a Melee fight and NO Super Saiyan!" I told him and he went back to normal.

He but his hand behind his head and chuckled nervously.
Loki went up and pat him on the back while Thor came up and gave me a hug. Thor was my Father and Loki was Mason's, so we may have been from the same mother but we don't have the same last name. Mine is Thordottir which means Daughter of Thor and Mason's is Lokison which mean Son of Loki.

We had a small conversation about how absent minded my brother was and that he was lucky he still remembered his own sisters but not a simple fight. All of a sudden the sky turned an unhealthy shade of Black and lighting went off.

"Soarin's early and Meighan, stop it with the lightning." Mr.Willow looked at me with a some what serious expression.

"I'm not doing it." I told him.

When I use my storm powers,my feet get surrounded by lightning.

"And I don't think that's Soarin's doing Sir." Mason told him as we continued looking at the sky.

Soarin was the Goddess of Night,Dreams and Death and a good friend of ours. She and I work together sometimes. A bright light and tons of little white balls of light,some bigger then the others, was sitting in the sky as a voice spoke.

"Someone summons you from a land far away.. Brave warrior, now, come forth!!" The voice was very deep and sounded like the perfect God.

Everyone was confused on who the voice was talking about. Mason being Mason he thought it was him. But everyone thought it was an honest mistake. One of the balls of light zipped towards me and stuck itself to my arm. More of them came and I couldn't move. Abi realized there were less balls of light and turned to see me being consumed by a bunch of white balls of light.

"Meggie!!!" She yelled and everyone turned and became shocked to see what Abi saw.

"I..c-can't..move!!.."I spoke slowly and everyone tried to free me but with no success.

The final ball of light squeezed in and covered my face. I couldn't stand the light and I passed out but the last thing I heard was the distant scream of Abi wanting me back and telling me she loved me.


I woke up in what looked like a tube of light blue and green light. I was floating in air and I couldn't help but be a little scared. Someone..or something took me away from my home and my family. I felt like I was slowly falling until it became faster and I started screaming. I felt like this was a dream and I told myself I would wake up before I even hit the ground. I was wrong. I fell on the ground and hurt my back. I tried sitting up and when I managed to I felt like laying down again. I wore a shocked expression on my face as I stared at a giant Chinese Dragon. He was HUGE!! Green and yellow in color with pitch red eyes. They were glowing for at least a couple of seconds then they stopped. I sat there in shock and fear.

"Farewell." He spoke. He sounded like the voice that told us one of us was summoned earlier.

The dragon disappeared and the sky went back to blue with white fluffy clouds. So it was the dragon that caused the change in weather I thought. I heard foot steps come my way and turned in the sounds direction. A man was walking up to me and it scared me a little more.

"You're surprised,I'm sure." He said as he stared at me with his Aqua eyes. Add scared and confused and you have the perfect concoction for me. I thought to myself.

"I'll have to explain it all to you later." He slowly pulled out his sword and I had a feeling he was gonna kill me. "But for now.. Let's see how much power you have." He dashed my way while shouting and attempted in slicing me with his sword.

To be continued

Dragon Ball God is here and it's based off one of my favorite games,Dragon Ball Xenoverse. For anyone who played that game you should know who the man who is testing my strength is.

Thank you for reading.

Good day and/or night.


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