how tell if the signs like you

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Aries:subtle physical affection (hand holding, lil nidges when walking next to each other)

Taurus:always checking in to make sure you're ok

Gemini:tries to impress you every chance they get

Cancer:really nervous around you

Leo:super cuddly, might give you gifts

Virgo:finds any excuse to talk to you

Libra:hints about other relationships, talking about relationships in general

Scorpio:changes something about themselves, such as hairstyle, clothes, etc. to get you to notice

Sagittarius:really honest and open, not afraid to be themselves with you

Capricorn:starts to take interest in your interests without being prompted

Aquarius:really sensitive and might apologize a lot (even for things they can't control)

Pisces:more open physical affection (hugs, ruffling your hair, etc.)

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