the signs as animated movies

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Aries: "Princess Mononoke"- passion, courage, risky, hard-hitting, exploration

Taurus: "Ratatouille"- tasteful, dependability, ambition, down-to-earth, persistence

Gemini: "Inside Out"- witty, enthusiastic, multi-dimensional, versatility, unpredictability

Cancer: "Lilo & Stitch"- family, protectiveness, creativity, spontaneous, emotional

Leo: "The Lion King"- honor, pride, loyalty, friendship, warmth

Virgo: "Atlantis: The Lost Empire"- intelligence, selflessness, detailed, hard-working, moral

Libra: "Beauty and the Beast"- freedom, kindness, acceptance, sacrifice, innocence

Scorpio: "Coraline"- mystery, bravery, intuition, determination, secretive

Sagittarius: "Up"- adventure, fearless, big-hearted, devotion, acceptance

Capricorn: "Ghost in the Shell"- caution, wisdom, mathematical, disciplined, contemplative

Aquarius: "Spirited Away"- unique, curiosity, honesty, justness, independence

Pisces: "Howl's Moving Castle"- escapism, kindness, imagination, loving, compassion


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