Little Lion Man Part 2

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  Summary- Phil a lion drawing teenager meets Dan a boy stuck in a trap 


The end of the lesson comes fast but him and Dan had managed to land a half an hour lunch time detention. They sit next to each other on the middle science pod smirking every time they met each other's gaze.

With 10 minutes left of the detention Phil has resorted to drawing little lions on Dan's hand and Dan has resorted to poking Phil's leg with his free hand, Phil starts humming the tune to 'all I want' by Kodaline whilst he finished the mane of his male lion pride of place at the top of Dan's hand with the tale wrapping around his wrist. The humming was soothing to which Dan stopped poking Phil's leg and just rested his hand at the very top so he could mess with the hem of Phil's jumper, not really knowing what he's doing but he's certainly not going to stop because well it's Phil he'd be a fool to stop.

Phil feels his heart swell because this is just adorable but electrifying, they just act like a loved up couple and it's the best thing in the world.

Their teacher lets them go early because he has 'better things to be doing than looking after two dickheads in detention' once they had left the classroom they decided against going outside so they just go on a wander through the school.

Dan grabs Phil's hand and begins pulling him towards the back entrance of the building which leads to the field and the old humanities building that the school used before they were funded by an academy board. Dan knows that he could've grabbed Phil's sleeve or his wrist but holding his hand just seems more intimate and in this situation when he is showing Phil something he sees it as an excuse for the innocent touching.

Dan is pulled out of his thoughts by a set of stairs that he almost fell up which caused Phil to giggle and shit Phil's so adorable. Dan pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the door and let's go of Phil's hand in order to put in the code that stops the alarm from ringing. He just wants this time with Phil; he doesn't want some teachers ruining that for him. He takes Phil's hand again just to pull him up 6 flights of stairs not because he has a crush on this little lion man, obviously.

Phil secretly loves Dan's hand in his own but he doesn't show it cause well it's Dan so he obviously only means it in a platonic way, "this is the most exercise I've done this year, I hope I get to see what you're showing me before I have an exercise induced heart attack" Phil whines after climbing 5 of the 6 flights of stairs.

"Don't worry Philly just one more flight and then we are done" Dan reassured just to put Phil at ease whilst laughing at the other because he is literally the most adorable person ever.When they finally reach the top of the building Dan wastes no time before he's pulling Phil into the old teachers staff room. Phil expected it to be really run down but he's met with a bright coloured room with red sofas spreading along the entire perimeter of the room with a wall full of lockers.

Dan perches himself on one corner of the back strip of seats whilst Phil walks around inspecting the room, he comes across a boards of timetables and test results and a very familiar drawing which he can't quite put his finger on until "oh my god" Phil mumbles taking the drawing off the board and flipping it over.

"What" Dan sits straight up resting his eyes on Phil who seems to have a piece of paper in his hands.

"Hey, what is it" Dan says in a gentle tone reaching his out to him making 'grabby hands' half for the paper and half just for Phil to come closer.

Phil passes the photo over to Dan and sits with his legs crossed next to where Dan was lying. Dan runs his finger over the paper whilst he rests his head on Phil's crossed legs.

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