Little Lion Man

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  Summary- Phil a lion drawing teenager meets Dan a boy stuck in a trap 

A/N: This is the first story I ever wrote in terms of Dan and Phil and I am aware that it isn't the best thing ever written. If you hate this don't judge me for it. 


Phil sat in science bored stiff, he couldn't care less about homeostasis or thermoregulation, so he sat doodling lions in his exercise book as this way it actually looked like he was taking notes and actually paying attention. When Phil started drawing he was subjected to his own little world that no one could see, his escape from the droning monotone voices that litter everyday life. Phil was no Picasso but drawing made him happy so he was reluctant to give up like he did with piano lessons, rugby (although that could also be put down to the fact that he is a ridiculously tall, lanky not to mention scrawny teenager who literally could never hurt a fly) and violin lessons (his teacher was a bitch though).

Phil nearly jumped out of his skin when his book was ripped away from under him, he was about to turn around and apologise to sir as it was most probably him, when he was met with the most humble brown eyes and pure complexion that he had ever seen.

Phil's confused, surely if he had witnessed such beauty before he would remember for sure, but this boy stood before him captioning pure perfection was a complete stranger. Phil had been staring for what seemed like decades which would explain the insecure expression that recited on his face.

'Ah shit' Phil thought to himself 'I've known him for five minutes and I've already scared him'. The abrupt words that flew out of the strangers mouth next really set Phil on edge, "why are you staring at me, are you gay or something". See the thing is Phil is gay, well bi actually but being a teenage boy in a fucked up homophobic school it's best to portray yourself as straight because all hell breaks loose if you go against the school flow.

"Oh g-g-god no, sorry I just wanted my book b-back" Phil stuttered speaking that fast that his tongue could barely keep up.

"Good" Dan spits out as if the mere thought of being attracted to the same sex was poison even though his eyes were saying something different that Phil couldn't quite read.

'Of course he's a fucking dickhead like the rest of them' Phil declared to himself.

The boy who was later known to be Dan was an utter bitch to Phil, stealing his things, telling him to shut up whenever he opened his mouth even to go so far as calling him the names he has shyed away from for many years because they made him feel vulnerable. There is just something about the nickname 'gaylord' that screams the opposite of safety. Luckily Phil had an amazing capability to completely block people out so Dan just became a blurred figure that he just had to sit next to for 8 hours a fortnight. Although, it would help if he didn't have a raging crush on said figure.

The following day Phil remained at home for three main reasons;

One- if you don't have 100% attendance you don't stand up in front of the entire school in the last assembly. Phil is scared of crowds so having the day off is the best option.

Two- he actually felt 'sick' this morning and his medicine was obviously his new game that he got for his birthday. It's only logical.

Three- he is timetabled for double science and he cannot sit next to his dickhead crush for two hole hours without killing or kissing him; there is no in between.

By 10 am he is bored he has watched two episodes of Jeremy Kyle (classic British day time television is just awful) and he has started watching the coronation street omnibus which is on every Wednesday morning. He found his mind wandering to everything other than who killed who and who is the babies father which is all these soaps turn out like.

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