Chapter 9: Breaking The News

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The quad piled into the car saying nothing and went through the plan. The buss came to a halt and let the four of them out to the stadium. "Woah." Said V, suddenly forgetting all about the conversation about her parents.

"Mail for... Matt sanders." Said a man, in black official clothes. "That's me." Said Shadows, reviewing the previous talk in his head. "Vada!" He called. "What?" She replied, coming out around a corner. Matt held up the vanilla-white piece of paper. A pang of adrenaline hit her. The will. "W-what does it say?" The singer handed the paper to her. The will read in messy cursive handwriting;

'To my love, Vada Riley Smith, my only daughter,

1 If you are over ten years old I give you the permission to cuss.

2 I leave you my Beatles anthology book

3 and lastly, a family photo album. All I ask of you is to remember me.'

V teared up. "I won't." She whispered, reading the last sentence over and over again. Vada forced her blue eyes down the page to her father's notes.

To my little bugaboo,

1 I give you my dimebag Darrel dean guitar, and my others.

2 I leave you all of my leftover money.

3 lastly, I want you to know that I will always love you no matter what. Me and you mother both do.

Vada turned red. It felt hard to breathe. Her eyes got watery again, and she handed it back to Matt and walked quickly towards the bathroom. Shadows looked after her. He thought about all she's done and her parents. She was a wonderful person, and she didn't deserve dead parents.

Besides, his big sister left something for him. Her money. That was it. He understood though, Vada needed more.

Ripper sat on the toilet her heart beating fast, tears hitting the floor like rain. Her mind raced, thinking all of the possibilities. Did they kill themselves? Were they spies? She tried to take mind off of it by brainstorming of ways to soothe the pain. 'Maybe a bath,' she thought, 'What about ice cream? Cotton candy?' Then it hit her. It was her fault.

They thought she was a burden so they did leave on purpose. The only way to get rid of the pain was to drown it out with more.

"Vada." It was Matt. "I'm sorry." Came his voice. Ripper pushed open the stall. She was balanced and curled up in a ball at the same time. "V come out." She did. There was a moment of silence before Matt hugged her tightly. "I want you to know its not your fault." He said softly. "I was too much wasn't I?" "I just said it's not your fault. Let's go get some ice cream, I think they have a homemade type place around here."

They made their way to the hotel and the other two left them. Just uncle and niece. "I saw one by here, I think it's down..." Matt started, and checked his phone on maps. "It's this way." They walked down the brick street to a small little ice cream parlor by the ocean.

The two went inside and Matt got chocolate and V got Mint chocolate chip. They sat down in one of the outside seats isolating themselves from the rest of the customers. "Exited for tomorrow?" Asked Shadows. "Yeah." Replied V, glumly. "Listen, kid, I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault it never was."

"I like living with you and all but I wish they never died."
"Me too." Matt licked his ice cream, and stared out into the purple sky. He had lost his sister, and V her parents. "So. What do you want to talk about besides... You know..." "Uhm... Well...  The nature park was cool. I like that big tree."
"That tree was fucking huge."
"Giant." Matt laughed and they continued to have a conversation about trees. Especially redwoods.

Back at the hotel, the two got ready for bed. Matt felt anxious for Ripper. He hoped the recent news wouldn't cause her any self harm. It would kill him if she wanted to hurt herself. He laid down and switched off the lamp. "Night." He said. "Night." Replied the girl. Darkness swallowed him as well as sleep.

Matt woke up in his bed back home. There was a rattling noise coming from the side of the house by the beach. He got up to investigate. Vada was standing on the cliff. "Stop!" He wanted to yell but it was all drowned out. He couldn't stop it. She jumped. "No!" He said, opening his eyes to a dark room. It was blurry, due to his tears.

'It's okay, she's fine.' He thought, and went to V's side of the room. Matt pulled back the sheets covering her face. She was okay. Good. He sighed with relief and let sleep take over again.

Matt woke up at home again. Everything was normal. Ripper was making pancakes. "Hey V, why you got a hoodie on? it's like 70." "I like hoodies." She plainly stated and put the disks on two plates. Rip sat down and began eating. The sleeve slumped down a little revealing some of her wrist.

She quickly pulled it back up. "No. Why do you have a hoodie on?"
"I- uh..."
"Lemme see your wrist."
He pulled down the sleeve and looked at the wounds on the girl's arm. They were red lines. Fresh red lines. "Why?" Was all he could say. Water washed away his dream and he sat up once again. "MATT! Are you awake?"

"Why the fuck did you...?"
"It's the only way you'd wake up. You just kept crying... What were you dreaming about?"
"N-nothing. Thank you... G-go to bed." Ripper gave him a look and got back in her bed. He looked at the clock. It was about 12 at night. "Get some sleep, kid." He heard himself say.

The rest of the night he got sleep but flashing pictures of Aimee and Vada came up. They weren't good pictures, though. In every single one at least one of them had pain inflicted on them. He bit his lip in his sleep to stop his protests. It hurt him to see any of them like that.

Matt woke up at about eight o' clock. He took a shower and got dressed. As well did V, and they made their way downstairs to the breakfast buffet. Not daring to say anything, they spent the past hour in silence. "Hey guys!" Said Zacky, sitting down next to Matt in their booth.

"Hey." They replied together. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." Matt was half furious half glad the other two didn't say anything about Vada's parents to the rhythm guitarist and bassist. They respected their privacy... But in some way they ought to know about the other band member.

"I know that's not nothing- what happened with you guys." "Hey. Matt. V can I talk to you guys?" Synister saved the two from the conversation. He pulled them behind a nearby pillar. "So. Uh... Should we tell 'em?"
"Even Johnny doesn't deserve not to know." Said Matt. Syn nodded. "Well you guys can leave. I'll stay and break the news, I think Jimmy's in the buss already."

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