Tolerance enables one to learn from mistakes

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When you are sure of what you are doing and you are in your stage of self-respect, criticism can be taken in the right way. This will enable you to check yourself when you go wrong. Instead of justifying your mistakes you will be able to learn from them and improve. When someone criticizes you, remind yourself that you have something to learn from it. Ask yourself if there is at least a small aspect that you could incorporate in your life. Take this aspect and leave the rest.

Besides, To have humility is to be available for others.
To focus not only on theself but on others too brings humility. Such humility allows others to come close. The one who is humble is able to give others what is required. Yet he balances with a certain quietness, so that others don't become too casual and familiar

Instead When I am humble, I am easy and light giving the love that I have within. I am free from the sorrow of expectations. Instead I actually become a reservoir of treasures from where others can take benefit. I am constantly a giver being available for others.

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