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Sorry it took so long for an update! Hope that you guys enjoy this chapter because I know I did when I was writing it. This one has a lot of fluff in it that gets me all warm and fuzzy inside!

Harry’s POV

I was so nervous. Today is the big day, the day I marry the man of my dreams, Niall James Horan. I love him with all my heart despite how much it was pounding in my chest right now. He is everything that I have ever wanted and I still can’t believe we are where we are today, after I had broken him so many times. I know Niall is the one for me, every time our eyes meet each other, my insides go crazy and I know that I have found my soul mate when I stare into his cerulean blue eyes that have just this hint of gold in them, it reminds me of summer when I look into them. Niall is my sun, the light that guided me to where I am today, walking down the aisle, about to marry the man of my dreams.

We had planned this wedding for over a year now, every little detail went in to planning this wedding. Niall’s tux was blue, while mine was green, colors that matched both of our eyes. Louis became an ordained minister so that he could marry us. Zayn is the ring bearer and Liam is the DJ for our reception. I won’t go into much more detail because I have this beautiful human being standing at the end of the aisle that I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with.

My arm was hooked with my mother, I wanted her to give me away at my wedding and I could see tears in her eyes right now. The funny thing is, is that I am getting married before my sister even is. My heart rate is really picking up right now and my hands are unbelievably sweaty right now.

I counted the steps that I was taking walking down the aisle. Niall was looking at me, smiling with his Irish grin. He looks so breathtaking in that tux of his. Soon, I would be all his, Harry Edward Horan, I like the sound of that!

Soon, I was at the end of the aisle and I kissed my mother on the cheek and wiped a tear that was falling down her cheek with my thumb. She whispered ‘I love you’ to me and I just smiled and said the same. She walked away and took her spot. I turned to face Niall, a cheesy grin on my face and my dimples were showing. My heart melted when he smiled at me and I could see a twinkle in his eye. He was absolutely perfect.

“We are gathered here today to bond together Niall Horan and Harry Styles into Holy matrimony. Marriage isn’t something that should be entered into lightly. It requires the love and bond between two individuals who want to spend the rest of their lives together.” Louis said.

My heart was beginning to flutter. I couldn’t wait to be Niall’s for the rest of my life.

“We will now ask the grooms to exchange the rings.” Louis went on.

I grabbed my ring and Niall did the same. I smiled at him and mouthed an ‘I love you’ and he said the same which made both of us blush.

“Do you Harry Styles, take Niall Horan, to be your lawfully wedding husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, till death do you part?” Louis asked.

It came out of my mouth so easily when I said, “I do”

“And you Niall, take Harry Styles, to be your lawfully wedding husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, till death do you part? Louis asked him.

He smiled at me when he said, “I do”

“I now pronounce you two happily married, Niall you may now kiss Harry!” Louis said with a smile.

Niall leaned in and captured his lips with my own for a deep and loving kiss. Our families went nuts, cheering and hollering for us. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away from Niall. I took his hand into mine as we ran down the aisle. I was truly his now, forever and ever, till death would separate us.

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