I don't notice my eyes were filled with water until she squeezed my hand and smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks. I lifted her hand up to my mouth and gave it a gentle Peck with a smile on my face.

Then it was her turn, "Hunter, I want to start with I love you and I want it to end it that way. We are getting married and I can't wait to be your wife and you to be my husband. 6 years later after highschool here we are. It sure had been a long time coming. From me and you bickering and working on that school project. The game we were both playing with trying to get one another to fall only to break their heart but we both fell. I remember being in the hospital, you getting jealous of Austin even though he was engaged and practically my brother. I also remember getting in a fight with a girl because she was kissing my man."

I laughed along with Austin behind me. He still picks on me about me being jealous back then.

"I also remember the day confessing our love and you leaving and then coming back and then leaving again. For a long time I didn't know if we could ever be together again. Every moment of those years I loved you. I still love you so much. I promise I will put up with you if you can put up with the bad Chick. I love you Hunter. That day I told you to now and forever."

I grinned at her. Of course I would love to put up with the bad Chick becase she's my bad Chick and I love my bad Chick.

Everything blurred in my mind with my thoughts until I hear the words where I get to kiss my bride.

Play the song now ;)

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me making her Giggle. I wink at her making her roll her eyes and I'm a goner.

I pull her into a passionate and want filled kissed. I hear a wolf whistle and then we finally pulled apart and I saw everyone looking at us and I guess we got caught up. I looked back down at Sophia who has her arms around my neck and we both chuckle and I peck her soft lips before grabbing her hands and leaving the doors to our reception where we were joined to have our first dance to the song we danced to on that one Christmas together in senior year of highschool six years ago. I will be by Avril Levine.

As the chorus came I dipped her and kissed her so gently on her kissable cheek. The lyrics spoke so much to me as I looked into my now brides eyes. I am in love and I never stopped being in love for those six years.

I love her and all her negatives and her positives because to me she's.. beautiful.

And I wouldn't have it any other way with my bad Chick.

Soon after we walk to the car to go to the airport and to our honeymoon where we can be alone to have some alone time. With my wife, my bad Chick.


4 months later

"Hunter!" Sophia yells form our bedroom.

"I know babe I'm getting it!" I yell back. I bang my head against the cabinet in the kitchen of our house.

A four month pregnant Sophia steps into the kitchen. Now she's craving ice cream so I am making a big bowl for her and my daughter Robin in her stomach.

Yeah, we had a very eventful honeymoon and she took a test when we got back home. When I saw it was positive I was ecstatic and then I was nervous and worried. A whole bunch of emotions, but I feel bad for Sophia with her hormones. She's always craving different things.

I know she doesn't want to put me through all this but I understand. I just can't wait for her to get here in five months.

"Here, beautiful." I say when she sits on the kitchen table seat and slide her the bowl of ice cream and she devours it.

Bad Chick {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now