"Hey Mikaela!" I yelled as Sam walked passed me to grab some stuff. Sam rolled his eyes and put his phone on speaker. "Hey (y/n). Shouldn't you be doing some important stuff?" She asked and I laughed.

"And miss out on embarrassing Sam on his first day of College? I'm sure they can live with out me. I'm just missing out on a de-brief. Hey did you know that Sam kept his hoodie from two years ago?" I said as I held up the hoodie. Sam tried to grab it but I moved it away with a smirk.

"He kept his nasty, shredded clothes?" She asked and Sam rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Of course, I kept it, Mikaela. It's like my Super Bowl jersey. I bled in this thing." He said butting in. I looked at it and cringed. Sam just smirked at me and then went back to talking to Mikaela while I started pile up the boxes near his door."Oh, I love it when you say camshafts. Whisper it to me." Sam said and looked at him with a raised brow. "Wow Sam, really." I mumbled and was about to fold his jacket up when something fell off it.

I looked down to see a small peace of metal by my boot. I looked down at it confused and picked it up. "Hey Sam I think a peace of the Cube was suck on your jacket." He turned back to me as I looked at the small shard and soon weird symbols started to go through my head. The shard then shocked me and I let go of it.

I looked at my hand in pain and then down at the floor as it melted threw it. The wood then set on fire and Sam started to freak. "There's a fire! Ahh, dad, we got a fire!" Sam said running out of his room. I tried stepping on it to put out the flame but it started again. Sam then came running back in with a fire extinguisher and put it out.

He then grabbed a water bottle and start to poor water in it. "You could of just used the extinguisher." I said waving my hand in front of my face to get rid of the smoke. "Well I'm sorry." I said as I walk to the door to let some of the smoke out. I opened it and was bombarded by a bunch of mini cons.

They started to fire at me. "Sam!" I yelled as I tried to back away. I then felt Sam grab my arm and dragged me to the window. We both climbed out the window and onto the veranda. "What is all the racket? Sam? (Y/n)?" I herd dad say. Sam jumped off and ran to the fountain, grabbing dad and I followed keeping my head down as they started to fire at us.

"What was that?" Dad asked as I held his head down as bits of clay from the fountain broke off. "The whole kitchen!" I said as I looked over to the shed and yelled "Bumblebee!"

Soon he drove through the back of the garage and transformed and started to fire at the kitchen that was attacking us. I kept both Sam and dad's head down as Bee fired at Sam's room making it explode. He then fired at the remanding of cons on the lawn. I then herd mum come out of the house screaming then fall over as she hit her head.

"Oooo that gotta hurt." I said as I cringed and got up. "Bumblebee! Get in the garage." Sam said as he looked up at bee. "I'm about to have a nervous brakedown. Just go in the garage quietly, please." As Sam said this Bee tried to show him that he did get the job done. Bee then just gave up and stomped his foot, smiling the ground shake and walked back to the garage.

"That was a little harsh. How else was he meant to save us for our kitchen turned con?" I said and started to walk where he crawled off to. I walked through the hole on the side and sore Bee hitting his head over and over again. "Hey! Bee it's alright!" I said as I started to put a trap over the hole so one one would see him.

I herd the tarp shift and I look over my shoulder to see Sam and Mikaela walk in. "Yeah, you know you're in trouble." Sam said and Bee whined. I sighed and crossed my arms. "Bee I want to talk to you about the college thing. Ok?" Sam said and I laughed as Bee started to dance and and play a random song.

"I'm not taking you with me." As soon as those words left Sam's mouth the music stopped and Bee let out a sad whine. Mikaela then said something to Sam and walked out. I looked up at bee with a sad smiled and sighed. "Sam you better have a good reason for this." I said looking back at him.

"Yeah I do. This thing is. Freshmen aren't allowed to have cars." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I-I know, and if it was up to me, I'd take you with me, but it's not Bee." I looked up to Bee and sore his head was dipped and was not looking at Sam. "Look. You're an Autobot. You shouldn't be living in my dad garage. Your suffocating in here." Sam then looked from Bee to me, then back up to him.

"You should be with (y/n) and the other Autobots." He said and I sighed walking up to him. "Sam he is yo..." Sam cut me off with a groan.

"(Y/n) can't you see. I just want to be normal. That's why I'm going to college and I can't do that with Bumblebee." I sighed and looked at him with a sad smiled. "I understand but after everything do you..." I said and paused looking back at Bee then to Sam. "Do you really think your gonna be able to have a normal life?"

Behind me Bee started to cry and let out sad wher's. "Hey, it's not the last time I'm gonna see you, you know, Bee." He said and walked up to him. "Come on, don't do that. Bee. You're killing me, Bee." Sam said ignoring my question.

Sam then backed away a bit as bee sat up straighter. "But you'll always be my first Car." Sam gave him one last smile then walked out to probably go and see Mikaela, completely ignoring me. Bee let at another small wher and looked away.

"Hey, Bee, don't worry. Everything is going to alright." I said as I walked up to him and put my hand on his cheek plate. He shifted a bit and looked at me with sad electric blue eyes. "I wont leave you for anything." I said and hugged his face.

"Lets go, Kiddo!" I herd dad yell from outside and I sighed. "I'll see you later Bee." I said as I have him another kiss on the cheek plate. He let out a happy wher as I started to walk away with a smile on my face.

"What are you smiling about?" I herd dad ask as he walked up behind me. "Oh nothing." I said as i got into the car. Soon Sam followed and sat next to me. "So have you said you loved her yet?" I said as I nudged Sam with my elbow. He just rolled his eyes and pushed my arm away. I just sighed and looked out the window.

Revenge of the Fallen (Bumblebee X reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora