"Waking you up of course," Jesy said.

I groaned. "It's a Saturday morning. Can't you just leave me in peace?" I whined.

"Sorry, love, but no. We're here to give you a makeover!"

I then proceeded to try and close the door, but like a mighty herd they pushed against the door causing me to stumble backwards. They entered my room and began to look around.

"Neat and tidy," Leigh Anne said as she looked around. "It reflects your personality perfectly it would seem."

I frowned but didn't question her since I just really wanted them out of my dorm room.

Perrie went straight to my closet and began to raid it. I rolled my eyes and just got back in my bed. They can have all the fun in my room as long as they were quiet and let me sleep.

I could hear Perrie tsking quietly to herself. I tried to ignore her.

"There are a couple cute things, but not enough," Perrie murmured. "Maybe we sh-" she stopped talking mid-sentence. "Is she asleep?" There was a moment of silence before a sigh.

"Hey!" I protested as my body chilled from the absence of my covers. I sat up and glared at Perrie who was holding the comforter in a bundle.

She glared right back at me. "We're doing this for your own good."

"How is depriving me of weekend sleep 'for my own good'," I mimicked.

She placed her hands on her hips and I pouted. For some reason she was slightly intimidating when she was being a demanding person.

I mumbled a bunch of childish things as I got out of the bed. I went to my dresser, ready to find something to wear.

"Hey! Jade, wear this, hmm?"

She held up my Marina and the Diamonds tee shirt. I shrugged and took it from her hands and then she handed me a pair of skinny jeans. I only had one pair because I didn't wear them that often. I waited for them all to turn away and when they didn't I just bit my lip.

"Uhh . . . could you maybe . . ." They raised their eyebrows and I made a twirling motion with my fingers. "Look away?"

"Oh!" The three of them turned around and I sighed before stuffing my legs into the jeans and pulling the tee over my head. I then found some socks and got converse on my feet. I stood up from my bed and put my hands up in exasperation. "I'm done."

They turned around and then Perrie immediately took me by the hand and began to lead from my room.

"Come on, love! We're going to shake up your look!"

Lord, help me.


"How about this?" I asked.

Jade shook her head. "Not happening."

I sighed. I looked at the two girls behind her and they grabbed her and began to pull her to the dressing room. Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped as if she wanted to say something, but didn't know what.

They closed the stall door and from there there was a bunch of squealing and protests.

"Wait, what are you- eek! Guys! Let me go!"

"Hold, still!"

As she squeaked more I couldn't help my chortle. She came out of the dressing room with a peeved expression. "I feel so violated," I heard her mumble irritably.

I smiled. "You look cute!"

"And I feel like a clown."

She was dressed in an adorable floral dress that seemed perfect for reflecting her timid nature. I frowned and then sighed. "Then how about this. You choose some things you'd be comfortable wearing, but they cannot be uniform-y or 'safe'," I air quoted remembering her mentioning that she wore them because they were "comfy and safe".

She scrunched her nose a little. But then a slow smile made its way onto her face. "I can work with that."

I smiled. "Okay then, Jade. What do you want to wear?"

I hate it when I'm in the locker room and I see all these really thin really pretty premature ladies and I feel like such a sack of potatoes.


Remember when Niall said that in one video? I love to randomly say it sometimes just like I sometimes say, "Cheeseburgers and jelly babies."




Sorry this one is short. I'll try to give you a double update tonight or I'll just update something tomorrow or Sunday. I've been sick at home so I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on but I'm going to try because I LOVE YOU ALLLLL!

You Bears are AMAZING! I find it funny how even though I'm not even remotely famous I've already given a name to my "fan base." Oh, well.

Do the usual; comment, vote, fan, and promote.

I will say it again: *voice lowers to whisper*

I love you.;)

Lol. I'm a weirdo I know.

Goodbye my Bears.

- Jaxxy Bear

That Wallflower (A One Direction/ Little Mix fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora