chapter 4

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Lucy POV 


"Lucy, Lucy. Wake up." I heard a distorted voice whisper with a slight grunt in their voice. I am too tired to deal with this right now so I continue trying to sleep.

"Get up now Lucy" the voice said getting more stern and raising its' voice. Enough to make me speak up in annoyance, "in a minute, just more for freaking minute".

I feel by body being forcefully turned so that I am now laying on my back rather my left side. Opening my eyes to see who is making me wake up on the weekend, when I like to sleep in for as long as possible. My hazelnut brown, large eyes widen in shock as all I see is a large built, heavy weighted man with shoulder length black hair thick with grease. To top it off he had really bad breath and teeth badly rotten making my stomach turn. 

"GET THE FUCK UP BEFORE I FUCKING CUT YOU" he screamed in my face to the point where his nose was touching mine. This had made me shut my eyes and cry, cry even more and scream at the top of my lungs. Heart and breathing pace increases as soon as I stop screaming as it was hurting my throat. I couldn't stop the increase of my heart race, all that was going through my mind was 'please don't have a heart attack' over and over again. 

My parents came rushing into my room trying to calm me down by saying soothing things. I hadn't realised they had came in my bedroom until my breathing had gone back to normal. I told them what had happened trying not to remember what he looked like. Both of my parents stayed silent for about 2 minutes looking at each other as if they are talking mentally about what to say to me. Then my dad looked at me and told me it was just a nightmare. Denying this was all I could do. I told them repeatedly that he was there when my eyes were open and I was awake when it happened. 

After about 2 hours of telling them about it all they look at me angry like I was a child lying to them convincing them that it was not an over active imagination. Once my 'parents' if that is what you could call them left me alone in my bedroom I looked at the time on the clock above my bedroom door a couple steps away from my bed. 

The time had read 2.30 in the afternoon that had meant I had a few hours to get ready to go on my date or social death not that I really had one to be honest social life that is. So I go to get ready for this date with Zachary who I have found to be quite cute and kinda had a crush on him for about 3 years now.

*Zachary POV*

Tonight will be great has Lucy agreed to go on a date with me. Right now I am at Alec's house, it is down the street from Lucy which I am jealous of. I'd love to live here that way I can get to see her almost all the time.

"Dude snap out of your dreamland will ya" Alec says slapping the back of my head quite hard so i punch him back with just as much strength he put into that hit to my head. It is pretty sore I have to say.

"Oh yeah man sorry was busy thinking of what's going on later" I say to Alec my best friend with a smile of my face wondering about taking Lucy to eat out at a restaurant or going to the movies and probably gonna kiss her at the end of it.

"Really? What you doing later?" Alec ask me with a straight face trying not to say what he is thinking. Which I really want to know as he always tells me everything including him having sex with nearly all the girls in our school and the school beside ours. But lately he keeps to himself and as been acting differently to me for a few days now when I told him I was going to ask out Lucy on a date making me wonder if he has feeling for her. But it is most likely his dick upset on how she rejected having sex with him in the janitor's closet.

"Yes. Going on a date with Lucy" I reply to his questions with a straight face as well looking at the corner of eye to see him looking pissed, gripping onto his xbox controller tightly about to break it as his knuckles go white. Then he quits playing gta putting his controller away and playing his hands in his hair nearly pulling out his hair. Seeing this makes me feel uncomfortable as he was never like this when I saw him.

*Alec POV*  

"Hey man can you please leave I don't feel great and want you to feel alright for your date and you should go get ready" I say to Zachary faking a cough or two.

"Alright man, thanks for telling me that I really should get going got an hour to get ready and get her thanks" he says unsure then quits the game and leaves saying bye and me going see ya later. 

Truth is I did not like hearing about him going to ask Lucy out. I mean that she is out of his league as she is way too good looking physically. I have to admit that The first time I'd seen her I fell hard for her and sent her stuffed bears and shit only for her to get laughed at as there were messages like 'You look pretty enough to be my mother'. When it was meant to be 'you look pretty enough to mother my kids' but I was never good at spelling when I done that as well as leaving out words by mistake.

I made the decision to take a shower and get dressed smartly and follow Zachary and Lucy to their date and try to get her attention. I hope this goes well as this might be the right time for me to make her mine.


Hope you guys enjoys this, sorry for any spelling mistakes. 

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