Chapter Three ~ Knowing

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Bella flinched almost violently when Carlisle started lifting her shirt in the front this time, pushing back into me even more. I lightly rubbed my thumbs over her hip bones and leaned my head into hers. She relaxed slightly, but when Carlisle sucked in a sharp breath at seeing the word there for the first time and how bad it actually was, she burst out in tears, not sobs that shook her chest, but endless tears.

Carlisle did his needlework and bandaging quickly and to that she barely moved, simply held up her shirt so he could use both of his hands.

“Done.” Carlisle announced as he pulled away. I looked down at the work and saw he did very small tiny stitches that would hopefully give way to a tiny scar. Of course, once Bella was in the right mind, this will be something very difficult for her to get over. All of will be, especially the permanent scar reminders.

Bella didn’t do more moving than to put her shirt back down over her torso and wrap her arms around herself, settling into a distant stare. I didn’t try to move her.

Dad went to the bathroom, showered and changed his clothes only to come out finding us in the same position.

“Why don’t you try putting her to bed?” he whispered. I frowned, not wanting to let go of her, but figured we should try to sleep some before completing the ride home.

“Have you told Mom?” I asked.

“I’ve told her to prepare the guest room...that I couldn’t explain now because my phone was about to die...which it did.” he waved it around, “So hopefully she will do without questioning...which leads me to my questions.” My eyes snapped back to Bella to find her lids closed and her breathing slow and deep. She fell asleep. I smiled a bit, just knowing she was comfortable enough with me to sleep in my arms.

“She doesn’t recognize us Dad. I don’t know what happened to her, I mean, I have a pretty good guess in general, but...what if she lost her memory or when they said they beat her into submission...what if Bella’s gone for good Dad? What if I’ve truly lost her?”

“Edward, son, Bella will remember, I don’t think she lost her memory, but has been so focused on survival and staying alive in that hell hole that she lost the concept of the real world. I’m almost positive she believed you and I to be dead. The last thing that happened before she was taken was our illness and her parents death, not the best combination to have in mind and still keep hope then hmm?” He looked at me with pride in his eyes, “You have done amazingly with her Edward, I don’t think she would be doing so well if you were not here. She trusts you. Just look at her, sleeping in your arms. I don’t believe you have anything to worry about. Well, yes, there is a lot to worry about, but we can talk about that later.” he sighed.

“It’s almost 7AM.” I sighed, very exhausted, “I’m going to shower quickly and change after I put her in bed. Go ahead and sleep, I’ll probably crawl in with you when I’m done.” I told him, slowly moving Bella so was laying under the covers and against the pillows on her side. Dad nodded, leaning back and falling under quickly as I made my escape to the bathroom, clothes in hand.

I showered quickly, my mind racing and tired at the same time. I had found her again, in the worst possible place and in the worst possible way, but I found her and there was no way I was letting her go again.  Not wanting her to panic if she woke and saw me missing, I got out, dressed and brushed my teeth quickly, stepping out of the bathroom after turning lights out, but as I was about to crawl into my side of the bed next to my dad, Bella whimpered. I turned to look at her sleeping form, expecting a nightmare, but she was awake, staring at me with her wide, fearful eyes.

“Ed...Edward?” she whispered, moving her hand closer to her head.

“What’s wrong Bella?” I asked, moving to kneel by her head. She nodded her head forward, biting her lip and moving back on the bed so that the side she was laying on was open. Did she want me to lay with her? Was that bad? I watched her for a moment to see if she would give me a clue.

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