He waits

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Tuckers POV
I see stabler leaving Livs office. What was all that about I walk to do the door and see her crying.
"Can I come in?" I say with a hopeful tone. "
"Yeah, sure" she says wiping her eyes.
I walk in shut the door and go round next to her.
" what's wrongs Livvia?"
" nothing I'm fine" she says looking away from me
" you know where I am if you need me" I lean down a kiss her, just gentle kiss.
"Bye Ed" she says dismissing me

Livs POV
"What the hell am I going to do?" I say out loud to myself.
" Hi Liv, I want to explain. Meet me at our diner at 7. I'll be waiting. Love Elliot. I read out loud.
I can't. I'll decide later what to do.
"Liv, we have a case" Amanda says.
"Okay, I'll be right out"

No ones POV
Liv busies herself with the case not even think about whether she isn't going to meet Elliot tonight. It just coming to 6:30 and they haven't found a lead.
" alright guys, you can all clock off. Great work today" Liv says.
Liv takes a deep breath and walk out of her office.

Elliots POV
"It's 6:45 . Is she going to come." I say to my self. I look up and I see her standing at the door. I don't know whether to go over to her or just let her do it on her own.


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