Hes back

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Benson and Tucker are sitting at a bar just talking about their weeks.

No ones POV
"I've been to her apartment and the precinct; it's like she has just vanished. I need a drink" He thinks to himself. Just as he walks in he see's her talking to some guy, she then leans forward kissing him.
They start walking to wards the door and he realises who she was kissing. "Do I stay or do I go" he says out loud. Just as he decides to leave they walk out.

"El, is that you?"
"Urm... Hi Liv"

Elliot's POV
I hear her voice and I want to run, I can't believe she would kiss Tucker.
" Urm... Hi Liv"
She just stands there staring at me, what do I say? Shall I hug her? I can she's with Tucker, she has moved on.
" Liv I.. Urm.. I have to go. Bye good to see you"
I turn and start to walk away, then I hear the clicking of heels.
" You don't get to do that" Olivia says sobbing
"You don't just get to walk away from me after almost 6 years"
I can't bring my self to look her, I feel a tear running down my cheek.
" Elliot look at me"
I don't turn around.
" ELLIOT, JUST LOOK AT ME"  she shouts.
I turn around and look into her eyes, we stand there for what feels like forever, until We get interrupted
" Liv. Livvia Baby we need to go"

Sorry for the Cliff hanger, should I carry on or just deleted it .

Stuck at the cross roads Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum