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The next morning I made my way into the pack house, greeting some of the cooks and other general people who were scattered about it.
This morning after waking up, I made Justin and I some breakfast then went on a run alongside all of the borders. Of course, the pack land was heavily guarded to make sure I wasn't passing through and neither were any other people.
Right now, I'm only in the pack house because Jeremy wanted to speak to me and I wanted to go visit the library too. I walked up the three floors, all the way down to end of the hallway to reach the Alpha's office. Some of the most important positions have offices in this floor with them all leading to the Alpha, meaning they get higher in rank as you walk further down the hall.
I knocked on the door before opening it and watched as Jeremy turned around with a slightly irritated look on his face. He hates when I open the door before he says for me to do so, it's his Alpha side. I've told him that I'm aware he's my Alpha and I do respect him, but my wolf doesn't acknowledge some pack rules as she is the strongest wolf alive. If anything, to her, this should be her pack now that she's shown up.
"Sorry" I mutter, not knowing if I actually mean it or not.
He sighs and motions for me to sit down. He grabs a notepad with a list of writing, which I guess is all the things he'd want to talk about.
"How come I can't get into your pack link? Have you put up some kind of resistance towards us?" he asked.
"No, I never noticed it was down. Nobody has tried to connect to me in the past few days or I would've felt it right?" I replied.
"You're right Keena, I don't think that it's you. I think your wolf is just waiting for her place or she'll add you back in whenever she feels safe. Even though you are a powerful wolf, all newly shifted wolves sometimes get temperamental and skittish, even about familiar things" he said.
I nodded. Besides talking about that, which I guess was the main issue. All he asked me about was how I'm doing that I have gotten my wolf and if I've experienced or done anything too crazy or out of the ordinary. I just replied that I'm fine and learning to control some stuff but it's nothing to worry about.
"Mate. Go back to mate" Nubia popped into my head.
"I thought we were going to the library?" I responded.
"Plans changed, Mate"
"I can see that your wolf is very eager to get back to her mate so I'll let you go" Jeremy said and turned around.
"Hurry" she pushed.
I quickly left the office and pushed my way out of the pack house to go back to Justin's house. I knew he was going to be relaxing there all day because he didn't have training and none of his friends were available because they did.
When I opened the door, his scent was very strong, so he must've just walked down the stairs into another part of the house. I followed his trail into the kitchen then out through the back doors where I found him.
Just starting to take off his shirt.
"Thank all that is good for hot summer days" Nubia sighs.
I agree Nubia, completely one hundred percent. After tossing his shirt out somewhere on the ground by the pool chairs, he swiftly dived in.
"This man is so beautiful" I swooned.
I took a deep breath and continued to walk out towards him. His head snapped to meet my gaze and he smiled.

"Mate is here! She's looking! Make sure you look good, I want her to think we're handsome" Jay nipped in my head.
I smelled her as soon as she walked into the house, but I can honestly say that I wasn't expecting to see her to be here right now.
Once I got out to the pool, I made sure to slowly take off my shirt, only when I knew she was truly looking at me. I had her full attention. I then dived into the pool and came back up hoping that I looked somewhat attractive while doing so.
"IT WORKED" Jay exclaimed.
I heard heard her footsteps and pretended to snap my head towards her like I just figured out that she was there.
"Hey baby" I grinned at her.
"Hey J" she replied.
Over the last couple of days, we've gotten really comfortable with each other. I wouldn't say that we're in the real relationship stage, but we're in the dating stage where I'm still trying my best to woo her and get her completely comfortable around me.
My mom always told me that there's a difference between dating someone and being in a relationship with someone. Dating means you're getting to know each other and getting the feel of what the other wants. Being in a relationship is when you finally ask the person to be yours. The main difference is commitment.
"How come you're back so fast? I thought you were going to the library?" I asked.
"I had to talk to your dad first" she dragged.
"Then..." I inquired.
"Nubia wanted us to come and see you so I did and now we're here" she finished.
It made us ecstatic that they wanted to be near their mate. They missed us. We for sure missed them, we've been spending the whole day with them for the past week, I wasn't ready to let her out of my sight this morning.
"Do you want to come in with me?" I asked.
"I don't have a bathing suit here" she said.
"That's alright" I pulled her into the water with me.
"You were kind of implying that you wanted to come in. You can just wear my clothes when we get out" I smiled making her roll her eyes.
We swam around and splashed in the water with each other. I enjoyed spending time with her in any fashion, I just love to be in her presence.
"Can I see your wolf?" I asked timidly.
"If you want, I haven't shifted since I did the first time" she answered.
We got off the pool and dried off a little bit and went into the grassy area.
"Just relax, calm down and think of yourself in wolf form" I said.
"It can't be that easy"
"It is babe"
I watched her concentrate and then she did it. Boy oh boy is she gorgeous. I growled in pride and puffed out my chest a bit. She's so beautiful.
"MINE! MINE! MINE!" Jay shouted in my head.
"You're beautiful" I gasped in awe to her.
I could tell that my eyes were flickering as her's were too. I could see Nubia rising to the surface.
That's when I shifted.

All throughout pack land, you could hear the gentle purring of the two wolf mates meeting each other for the first time. The nuzzling and licking of the fur was natural between them. They both fell under the other's enticing spell. Did they want to be set free? Quite frankly, not at all.
Once Nubia set off into the woods, Jay quickly followed. Everyone knows that an Alpha loves a good chase, but it wasn't to clear if he was going to win this one. Since Keena is the fastest in human form, it'd be no doubt that she's the fastest in wolf form too.
The pack pups watched and giggled as they saw their future Alpha and Luna chasing one another. It was obvious that the connection between them had formed. Not every mating pair is perfect or works out. It's made from when you're a young child.
The Goddess knows your journey way before your eyes open, it's a matter of whether you follow it or allow it to defeat you that is the real question. If too many environmental pressure come in and persuade your thinking, then you and your mate might not be compatible anymore.
But with these two, it's more than love, it's strength.
Hey guys! I've been working really diligently to upload this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Question: Would you guys like me to write about my Purpose Tour experience?
It was a great night and I took so many pictures and videos. Thanks for reading!

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