"Please don't cry. Whatever it is, it's not worth these tears on your beautiful face." He caressed my face softly. As tear after tear slipped from my eyes and I sobbed silently. He looked amazingly gentle, calm and sincere in his caring for me. I honestly didn't understand what was going on inside of me. I don't know how long he squatted beside my desk but I did hear the first bell ring signaling students to make their way toward class.

"Ty let me up." I said quietly. I walked over to my teacher's desk and grabbed a few tissues. I wiped my face and headed out the door. I needed to clean up. I didn't want Tyler looking at me with that mixture of sadness, caring and understanding. It was like everything in him was saying I'm here for you and my heart was starting to sway. I was starting to feel better just because of his presence and that shouldn't be possible. I hurried back to class not wanting to be late. Tyler was talking to some of the other guys from our class and I was grateful. I didn't want him to come over to me again. I wasn't sure how to handle him right now.

As soon as the bell rang to end class, I pretty much ran out the door. I had class with Tyler all day but I knew how to avoid him. I was tripping right now. The only reason why my heart was swaying was because Tre hurt me, other than that I wouldn't even look Tyler's way, right? I stood in the bathroom trying to convince myself that I had gotten over my crush on Tyler that was at its strongest just last year. I remembered the last day of school. All year I had been admiring him from afar. I mean all the girls did. Tyler is sexy. On the last day of school he had sat with me at lunch, he partnered with me for all class activities for field day, and he had walked me to my bus at the end of the day. I felt so special until Kristen Beagle made me painfully away that I wasn't as cute or popular as her. The hurt of that day cut into my heart and I instantly wanted to go home.

Just as I was about to leave the bathroom in walks who else other than Rosie and her two lackies. I rolled my eyes to myself and headed towards the exit but they blocked me.

"I've been waiting to see you all day." Rosie said. I gave her an unimpressed look. "You need to stay away from my man." The sound of her voice was annoying to me. I almost said something but I decided the best approach to this was silence. I really didn't want to have to fight anyone. Not that I was scared but I had a perfect school record and I wasn't trying to mess that up because of someone else's ignorance.

"Looks like the little rat is scared to talk. Tre only gives you attention because he feels sorry for you. You don't have nothing, you look like nothing, and you'll never be nothing." I couldn't help the snide smirk that came across my face.

"I'll never be nothing. Do you mean I'm going to be everything?" I thought to myself learn how to talk bitch, double negatives were taught in 5th grade.

"No I mean you ain't going to be nothing." She said getting loud and getting in my face. I just shook my head and moved to walk away. Donkey and Diddy Kong were still blocking my path though.

"Look Rosie call off your guard dogs and let me go to class. I don't have time for this for real." I said finally feeling irritated enough to entertain the petty fest.

"Who you calling a dog bitch?" One of the girls lashed out. I didn't even acknowledge her ass, I was staring down Rosie.

"Stay away from Tre."

"Tell Tre to stay away from me. I don't want him anyway. He the one always following me around like a puppy. So get your mind right." I turned and pushed through the two in the door way before leaving the bathroom. I can't believe she just tried to confront me. The tardy bell rang and I was pissed. I went to the tardy station for a note and then to class. When I walked through the door Tyler was staring straight at me. I rolled my eyes and headed to my seat after the giving Mrs. Gregors my tardy note. I can make it thought this day.

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