Chapter 2

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We entered the palace hastily.
"Mother! Father!" I screamed. My mom and dad rushed into the parlor.

"What happened to you two?!" My dad said. I finally got the courage to look at my shoulder. It was bleeding, and I saw the bloodstains on my dress. I inhaled sharply.

"(Y/n)! Your shoulder!" My mother said, running over.

"Maids! Get the doctors!" My father said. Padme ran to my side as I fell to the ground.

"Hang on (y/n)! Stay with us!" I heard Padme said right before I blacked out.

             I woke to the sounds of my sister whispering. The birds are still chirping outside. I am in my bed. "Padme?" I cry out.
"(Y/n), your awake, thank goodness!" She said hugging me. I looked at my shoulder, it was wrapped with clean bandages.

"Padme, what happened?" I asked her

"Do you not remember?" She asked, fear in her eyes. I thought hard, then remembered.

"That person... We were at the beach... He tried to kill us!" I said sitting up. Big mistake. I whimpered as my shoulder filled with pain. Padme laid me back down, and stoked my hair.

"Do you remember what the man looked like?" She asked. I nodded. I remember exactly.
"Then you can draw or paint us a picture, you have always been artistic. Then we can figure out who this was and put an end to it." Padme said. She helped me up to my easel that was sitting on my balcony with a stool in front of it. The maids brought my paints and brushes. I started by stroking softly. I added his helmet, breastplate, and any other detail I could remember. I finished, the maids carrying my painting down to the stairs with me. My father was talking with two politicians. "Father?" I said quietly.

"Oh, (y/n), my dear. You are alright! I'm so glad you're awake... We have some things to discuss..." He said. Then the maids showed him the painting.
"What is this?"

"It is the man..." I stated. He nodded and sat me down with the politicians.

"Tell us exactly what happened..." He said. I started telling him everything. How me and Padme went to the beach, the cross roads, everything. All he did was nod attentively.

"Well, me and the other senators have been talking... You and the queen need extra protection. We do not know when the assassin will strike again. But we want to be ready." He said.

"But father!" I said.

"Enough. We will not discuss this! They are arriving tomorrow, I have already spoken over this with the queen..." He said. I hated it when he called Padme queen. It just made me feel worse. I was the princess and she was the queen. Of course. But she would soon be becoming a senator. And then I would be nothing but a princess for the rest of my life. Unless I would step away, which was what I was thinking of doing. I went back to my room, changed, and left to water my roses.

The next day
I woke late in the morning. I skipped breakfast and put on a short white dress, and a crown of iris'. I walked to my garden-bare footed of course- and started watering my flowers. The sun was warm that morning, and there are clouds surroundings the sunlight, transitioning from white to a soft pink. I was so mesmerised by the sunrise that I didn't notice someone come up behind me.
"Hello there." A voice behind me said. I quickly turned. There were 2 men behind me, dressed in robes and cloaks. One has a short beard, longer hair, and bright green eyes. The other had short brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a long braid hanging from his ear.
"Hello...?" I asked

"I am Obi Wan Kenobi, this is my Padawan, Anakin." Obi Wan said. I curtsied-as I was taught- and then asked...
"I am (y/n)...Are you the Jedi that have come to protect me and my sister?"

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