Chapter 1: Fateful Encounter

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"Well Gravity Falls is out of my reach...for now." Said an auto tuned voice echoing a chuckle. Floating in an infinite colorful void, laid on its back floating in place was a golden triangle.

It's black stick arms were folded behind its pointed head, the legs that were also stick like and black were crossed over one another. It's eye opened with a black slit for an iris, and four lashes on both the top and bottom part of its eye.

Above the odd creatures head floated a small top hat with a cane levitated not too far off. The triangle creature fixed it's pose now standing in mid-air, a snap echoed through the endless void, to the creatures command two portals opened before them.

One was blue and inside it showed a frozen kingdom, while the other one was purple, inside it was a beautiful town that looked like something out of a fantasy.

The creatures eye panned back and forth from both portals, floating to the blue one it pondered for only a few seconds, .

It's attention turned to the purple portal and a chuckle came from the creature.

"Well if it isn't the kingdom of Lira. I wonder  what John's been up to." Without a second though they disappeared through the portal.


In the kingdom of Lira all was well, the sun shined brightly through the bustling town, excited people filled the streets covering every inch of the kingdom, The Lunar Festival was a huge event, it celebrated the day Lira was created by the goddess Valentia, Queen of the Valkyries, and gifted to the humans of that region as a symbol of peace and great prosperity.

A few feet away from approaching the town were two people, one wore a dark brown hooded cloak while the other was a midnight blue, they walked side by side one another. The brown cloak was tall while the midnight blue was  short the difference in height was obvious. Finally reaching the town, they removed their hoods revealing their faces except the short one that wore a black & blue helmet.

The tall one was a man. He had short brown hair that was a little spikey but flat at the top, his eyes were a dark brown and he was very handsome.

The short one stayed mysterious keeping their helmet on, counseling themselves. Both of them walked through the town  proceeding silently toward the kings castle.


Inside the castle through the front doors was a large throne room. A young man around his mid twenties sat upon a throne. Positined in the center of the room the handsome blonde haired lad sat there with the look of boredom written on his face.

His beautiful sky blue eye's glancing at the two guards occupying both sides of him. He greatly sighed catching their attention.

"Look I know you both mean well and you're just following my uncle's orders but I'm 25 years old. Maybe I could get time to myself? Please?" The young King of Lira kindly asked his guards.

Without question they bowed their heads and took the stairs down from the throne, leaving out of the room. The King sighed in relief and continued to sit in his chair, though he didn't like it but it was required. Well in his uncle's eyes it was. In case anyone wondered in seeking guidance.

Unexpectedly the two large doors opened up in front of him, A man with silver and gold armor approached bowing before his royal majesty.

"I'm terribly sorry to disturb you your highness but you have a special visitor."

The King raised a brow to the guard's statement. "A Special Visitor? Understood, bring them in please." He asked.

The guard left for a moment coming back with a tall slim muscular man. He wore black leather gloves with matching black long sleeves, the color cut off at the shoulder where a bright color of yellow showed off his tail coat with a small cape. A white piece dead on his chest with two flabs hanging from it complimented by two black buttons and a bow tie. A long black top hat floated inches above his multi colored hair.

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