Introduction To The Story

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Hello! This is Yuuki! •~•
This is my first 'x reader' story so please make do with my mistakes and terrible grammar.


(F/N) (L/N) a teenage girl living in this cruel world of Titans, however you may think she will be with the Survey Cops, Military Police etc.

But no..

She's with the Secrets Behind Organisations aka Titans Eyes. You may think, "What is that organisation? I've never heard of it"

That is because there is only one person in that organisation. Yep that is (F/N), not only is she the leader but she is the only human in that organisation. Mainly because no one knows about Titan Eyes.

But also because well.. You see.. she doesn't live in the walls - she doesn't stay protected behind the walls with human beings.

She lives with the Titans.

She stays with the Titans like they are her family, you may ask; "But don't they eat her and all that crap?!"

No, for some reason the Titans can't eat her, they do the opposite. They follow her instructions, even if she is speaking perfect Japanese. She is their leader.

Obviously it gets lonely for her sometimes and she would need to write down some of the information as she finds more about these abnormal creatures. So she writes it in her perfect diary.
She writes all about their behavior, her adventures and all her secret stuff.

Obviously seeing she has an organisation with Titans, she finds less and less Titans coming back. Meaning they are being killed. After a long time of researching she finds out that the most Titan deaths come from:

The Survey Corps - The Wings of Freedom

In order to find out more about these other humans she will have to investigate them further, however in her trip to the Survey Corps...

She drops her diary. Meaning the Survey Corps find it and have a hold to all the information. Luckily the diary is handed over to Levi - Humanity's strongest solider.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guyssssss. This is my second book, like I said above at the start of the story. I hope you guys all enjoy this story. And have fun with reading this Levi X reader.

P.S I don't know a lot of things of Levi so half the stuff I mention in this story might not be true

Yuuki~ ❤️

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