Chapter Five

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*Dashawn's P.O.V.*

Didn't think this would happen did you? I know, but you only know my name .. not my story.

My name is Dashawn Lorenzo Merciér. I told you how old I was and where I was from before, so you know that.

I have a beautiful daughter as you know. Let me tell me how she came along.

I met her mom in middle school. She was my first love. Her name was Stephanie Banks. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I asked her out and she actually said yes. It was crazy because she liked me too. I thought to myself "A girl as beautiful as she is wouldn't want me", but she did and I was beyond happy.

Around 9th grade is when we both dropped the "L" word. I truly did love that girl with all my heart.

It was the night of our anniversary, and she said she wanted to . . . you know . . . yeaa. So we did and she ended up pregnant. We were both young and not ready to be parents, but getting an abortion wasn't an option.

When she finally had Shawna, I held her and didn't want to let her go. I told Stephanie we should at least try to be good parents to her, and she agreed. We had a schedule, who would keep her when and everything like that. Our parents helped us the first two weeks of her life, then we, as her parents, took charge.

I thought we were doing a great job as parents with the alternating schedule. Obviosuly I was wrong when there was a knock on the door and Shawna was wrapped in a blanket with a note attached to it.

The note read "Dashawn, I tried to be a great mom. You know that. But I can't do this anymore. I'm young and have a life of my own. She's your responsibility now. I'm moving to Florida to live with my aunt and start my life over. I will always love you ! No doubt about that. Don't come by my house to try and talk more out of moving. I'm already gone. Don't try to call me either. I changed my number. Have a nice life and find a great girl to fill my place in you and Shawna's life. With Love, Stephanie"

I was crushed. I had no way to communicate with her at all.

That's the reason I haven't asked Angel out yet. Me and Stephanie moved a little too fast, and the result was her leaving me . . . us. I have strong feelings for Angel. I don't want her to feel like she's just my FWB. I don't want to say the "L" word yet. I couldn't take my heart getting broken again, so I'm taking things slow. Really slow.

When I found out she was going out with Romelo, I was angry and jealous.

Angry because he knows what he does to girls is wrong but does it anyway, and I KNEW he was gonna do it to Angel.

Jealous because even though she's not my girlfriend, I don't want her going out with other boys. I L ... like her too much to see her with any other guy but me

I tried to warn her about him, but she didn't listen. Something told me, well not something, her half text message told me something was wrong. I hoped and prayed that he wouldn't do that to her, but he did.


later that night, I got a text from Angel. When I saw it, my heart dropped. What made me feel worse was that when I looked in her eyes, I saw the regret, hurt, and pain.

I was beyond angry! Angry was an understatement. I wanted to kill Romelo right then and there! I wanted to do him worse than what he did to Angel. I wanted to fuck him up as bad as I could before I killed him. Then he could feel what all those other girls felt.

"Mom!" I yelled as I threw on a shirt.

"What Dashawn damn?" She getting on my fucking nerves too. I don't even want to leave Shawna with her!

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