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29 august, 1988

i haven't seen hoseok since our last encounter on 20 august. i did meet up with taehyung a few times.

but i couldn't enjoy his presence.

i always feel a pair of eyes on me. i always hear footsteps following me. now i'm convinced that it isn't my imagination. it's probably not a sick joke either.

this dark presence is invading every space i possess. it's stressing me out. i can't sleep well and i can't concentrate at all. it's everywhere, enveloping me in it's darkness. it's slowly killing me inside. i'm becoming paranoid.

taehyung has noticed too, since he's asked me several times if i was okay. i wanted to cry, but i kept my tears in. however, when he hugged me, they suddenly poured out of my eyes without restrictions. i was sobbing. god, that was emberassing. luckily, taehyung just stroked my back and whispered sweet nothings in my ears to calm me down.

and it worked.

一 mirae

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