Chapter 9-Freedom

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It's been at least a month, I bet you. I've counted two meals a day. Whatever they've done when they knock me out, its induced hair growth from the middle of my back and almost to my bottom.

Being down here, it's weird. I've never seen the kid near me, but I've taken the position of mother I guess. They sleep on me every time he goes to sleep and I share about half of my plate because I know it's better for them. They hand down water bottles that dissolve when finished so we cannot kill ourselves, not like I'd let the kid kill themselves or leave them in this dark hole by themselves.

My lips are still sewn shut, while the kid is also in the same situation. We've successfully managed to keep away from the wall of the cell, sleeping in the middle in a criss cross position, the kid usually in my arms.

"Oh look at them!" Waking up to voices, I look up to cringe and cover my eyes with my hands. Kit stands there with a video camera looking down at us. Looking back down, I avoid the camera and focus on my friend, finally seeing their sleepy face and realizing it's a boy. He looks to be around the age of seven or so. Emily Jr's age.

I don't get much time to observe him because the door closes and then that familiar gas hits us like it does every two or so days.

This time I wake up in a white room.

Sitting up on the table I'm on, I look around with wide eyes, catching a figure in the corner and realizing it's the boy. He looks at me timidly, nervous of me and I am curious as to why. Going to speak, I grab my lips as pain sores through them and I groan, hunching over. My lips are very sensitive.

A door opens and I look over, my eyes narrowing and I step in front of the boy protectively.

"Oh we're not going to hurt you. Just thought you'd enjoy the light." Strucker walks in with Kit and a few others behind him. Not moving from my position in front of the boy I watch them wearily. They think I'm going to trust them... ha! Never.


Emily P.O.V

Steve and Bucky attack punching bags in front of me while I search through facial recognition, hacking into every satellite I can get into. Pepper watches my three kids, she's been helping me out while I've been trying to find my best friend.

Taking a deep breath, headaches hitting me hard, I rub my forehead and close my eyes, leaning my head against the wall.

Loud squeals break me from my moment of peace and James and Rebecca come waddling over to me. Pepper walks behind them and I grin at her, hugging Rebecca as she reaches me first. She squeals as I tickle her side and James comes up, sitting on me and I just hold him close, messing with Rebecca.

"Oh, she's definitely more like you." Bucky walks up and I look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"How so?"

"Energetic." A grin spreads across my face.

"So James Barnes was sleepy and lazy?" He scrunches his nose, nudging me and I chuckle, looking over at Pepper. "I hope they haven't been too much trouble." She shakes her head.

"They've been playing with the blocks upstairs, it's always fun to watch them." Smiling at her, I set James off my lap and stand up. She hugs me and I hug her back, slipping some cash into her back pocket and she shakes her head at me.

"Don't you dare try to give it back, Pepper." Bucky wraps an arm around my waist and I wrap one around his, she smiles at me and hands claw at my legs and Bucky and I pick up one each. Bucky bounces Rebecca on his side and James just sits on my hip silently. "I know you're a billionaire, but you earned it. Go out for ice cream, surprise Dad with dinner, whatever, but I will know if you give it back."

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