She was wrong.


"So... You two know each other then?" Dean asked, glancing between Katherine and Bobby.

"No , Dean. I just hug everyone like that." Bobby said sarcastically. Katherine cracked a smile, missing her Bobby's sassiness.

"Did you get it? The thing that killed-"

"Yes." Katherine said quickly. "Yes, I got it. Was another demon. Wanted me to suffer even more if you can believe." She chuckled sadly.

Sam and Dean knew enough to not ask any questions.

"That's good. That you killed it."

It was silent for a while until Dean stood up. "M'gettin a beer." He announced. "Anyone want one?"

"I will." Katherine stood up, Sam and Bobby nodding. She followed the eldest Winchester into the kitchen.

"So you were on the revenge path too huh?" He said, leaning into the fridge to get four beers.

"Yeah, guess that's how all of us start out." Katherine said, catching her beer as Dean threw it to her, popping it open and taking a swing.

Dean just watched her. Something felt familiar about the atmosphere here. This kitchen, her... It was all just so familiar.

"I think I know who you are now." He said after about a minute of quiet.

"Mm? And who am I?" Katherine asked, light brown eyes focuses on her bottle of beer.

"Your like me. And Sammy. You just want to save people. Because saving people means you save yourself along the way."

"Damn Dean. That's deep for a hunter. You a part time poet or somethin?" Katherine mumbled, making Dean chuckle.

"Or something. I watch a lot of TV."

"You seem like the Dr. Sexy MD type."

"Son of a bitch, how'd you know?" Dean said, his expression deadly serious.

She smiled again. Somehow, she always smile with him around.

It was quiet again. Not awkward. Katherine kept sipping her beer while Dean secretly looked at her pretty face. The more he looked, the more familiar she seemed.

"Wanna take a picture?" Katherine said without looking at him.

"Ah shut it." Dean rolled his eyes, taking a swing of his beer. "I get it." He suddenly said.

"You get what?"

"Why you are such a hardass."

"Well, don't you know how to make a girl feel special." Katherine said, rolling her eyes for the millionth time.

"Seriously. It's because if you can't be a hardass, you have to be weak. Open up to people. I get it because... We're the same, me and you." Every word Dean said seemed to make him take a step forward till e practically had Katherine pinned against Bobby's kitchen counter. She refused to do this.

"You don't know me." She whispered.

"Oh, but I do Katherine Warner. I know you all too well. You think I don't remember? 18 years ago? We had something. I can't remember all the details, so much has happened since. But I knew it the second I saw you killing all those vamps." Dean leaned in.


"Don't you ever. Ever presume you know me. You may have known me once, Dean Winchester, but I'm different from how I was then. I don't have to be a hardass. I am a hardass because that's the way it has to be now." Katherine said, staring angrily into deans stunned green eyes. His cheek started to appear pink, but Katherine didn't care. She was pissed. He didn't know her. Nobody knew her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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