Chapter 1. How Could You?

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Lydia POV.

I was siting in my nice big chair in front of my bookcase, behind it reviled a secret passageway that led out of the Resistance Headquarters. I was reading an old children's book my mom gave me when I was little. I kept hearing this strange sound, like the sound a lightsaber makes. But I ken it couldn't be, because the only one who had a lightsaber in the Resistance was my Uncle Luke. And nobody had seen him in years. The sound kept getting closer and closer, then my bedroom door blew up. I got off my chair and looked at the parson standing in the doorway. "Kylo Ren." I said to my older brother. "Hello, Lydia. I see you have been expecting me." He said bedding his head toward the corner my room, where I had two letters on my desk that said Mom, (Leia Solo) and Dad. (Han Solo) on them. I wrote them right after I felt Kylo Ren come into the Resistance base. "I know what you did Ren. And I know you have gone to the Dark Side just like our grandfather did, I just hope that you will change your mind and come back. You may have killed all the new Jedi's, but you still have one last choice." I said trying to get my brother back. "It's too late Lydia, I've made my mind up and I'm not going to change it. Now, I'm sure you know why I've come? Judging by the letters you wrote to say goodbye to your parents." He said moving into the room.  "Our parents you mean?" I said. "Yes, them. Have they figured out that I've gone to the Dark Side yet?" He asked, he was now about 4 feet away from me. His lightsaber could reach me  now. "No." I answered.

He laughed. "Well, by the time they find out, it will be too late. And you'll be dead." He said, now he was 2 feet away. I saw him take his lightsaber off of his belt and he now held it in his right hand. "You know you could come to the Dark Side. Do you really want to turn out like mom and dad?" He said. "I will never come to the Dark Side Kylo Ren and I will not turn out like our parents, I will turn out like myself!" I said.  "I'm sorry Lydia, I hope you know that it's nothing personnel. Goodbye dear sister and I truly am sorry." He said with a grim face. His lightsaber turned on and he gripped it tight. "I am too." I said and right when he was about to kill me with his saber, I sent him flying across the room and into a window. "How do you know how to use the Force?! You aren't a Jedi and Thad the only way to learn how to use it!" He yelled and he up. "I didn't know I had it until last night, and yes I am not a Jedi. And I guess it's because I'm just amazing!" I said as Ren picked up his saber and walked back over to me, looking angry and upset. I could hear people coming to downstairs and toward my room. "I'm sorry." Kylo Ren said and then he cut my right arm off. "Aghhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled as pain went though my whole body and I saw my arm fall to the floor and then I did too. "How could you? I thought you were my brother but I guess I was wrong." I said as I heard people coming into the room, then Kylo Ren pushed his lightsaber into my left leg and I heard my mother scream.

"NOOOO! Lydia!" And then I saw my brother disappear out the window and I felt myself be lifted onto someone's lap "Stay with us... Please don't leave me, I can't lose you." My mother whispered. I realized it was her lap I was in. Someone was saying that I needed to be moved but my mom said: "no, no. We can't move her." I felt tears falling onto my face, they weren't mine, but my mothers. I had my eyes closed because of how much pain I was in, I opened them and saw her face looking down at me in pure sadness. I reached up and touched my moms face, her eyes glazed over as I took away the memories (new power!) of Kylo Ren doing this to me and replaced it with a new one of some random parson. I didn't want my my to feel the pain of knowing that her son killed her daughter. "M- mom," I said. It was getting very hard to say anything, but I had to tell her to read the letter. "There's two letters on the dest over there. One for you and one for dad, please give him his and read yours. It will explain everything. I just want you to know tha-....." My voice stopped working and I felt an unbearable pain go though my body then darkness wanted to come in, and I welcomed it with open arms. 


I woke up to the sounds of droid talking to my mom. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a med-bay I sat up slowly because my whole body hurt, and looked around. I noticed that I now had a new arm and leg. I saw my mother talking to one of the nurse droids, my mom looked worried. I faintly remember what happened, I got hit with a lightsaber by my messed up 'brother' Kylo Ren. And then I think I had died, but if I had then I wouldn't be here. I'm sure my mom will know what happened, and why I'm not dead. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I'm alive and well, but something seems off. I mean, who have you heard of that lived getting their arm and leg cut off by a lightsaber? No one! I waited for my mom to notice me, but she seemed pretty deep in conversion with the nurse/droid. I just watched as she talked to the droid. I wondered if anyone told my dad what happened, see my dad (Han Solo) and his friend Chewy left a few weeks ago because he said that he 'needed a break' meaning that he and mom had gotten into a fight and he wanted to get away from everything for a while, he hadn't even said goodbye to me, unlike Chewy who had left a note on my dest saying what happened and that he would miss me. Man, Chewy is so sappy sometimes.

Anyway, I'm watching my mom and I see her begin to get mad. She's now yelling at the nurse/droid and pacing back and froth in the passageway out side the medward, with her hands in her hips. Sadly I can't hear what she is saying/yelling because this med-bay is soundproof. All of a sudden white smoke is on the floor and things begin to jump up from it, they are also made of smoke. I look at my mom and see that she hasn't seen what's happening yet, the door in the passageway is open and my dad and Chewy come in, my dad looked very worried. I looked back at the smoke things and saw that they were going around the bed/table I was on, now I don't get scared easily but this, this scared me. One of the smoke things jumped up and landed on my face, I screamed and then I heard the door open and I felt my mom, dad and Chewy trying to get this thing to let me go, but it wouldn't and I knew it. That's when the thing started to turn to mist and I breathed it in, then I felt myself turn to mist as well and everything faded away, I had a feeling that I did too. I had a feeling that I would just be a memory now.


Heyyyyyyyy! Sorry if that sucked, it should get better as it goes along. :-)


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