Chapter One: The Day It All Started.

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Today was February 6th, 2038 also known as the day No Name split up. It wasn't the biggest news right now, but it was to me and Armin. Armin is my best friend and also one of my roommates, the other is my sister Mikasa, of course. Mikasa was and is still way to over protective of me and Armin ever since we were little. I never really minded her being protective of me but it gets to crazy sometimes, one time she heard what sounded like me screaming in my locked bedroom, and well let's just say that my door has a broken lock now and she knows I am "interested" in men. She said she wasn't surprised really, she said she kinda always had a feeling that I was gay. Well anyways back to the band.

It was a lovely day until, *BANG* the door slammed opened with Armin running through.
"What the hell Armin!?"

"Sorry Mikasa, no time to explain, where's Eren!?"

When Mikasa told Armin I was upstairs he darted up the stairs into my room.
"Omg! Omg! Eren No Name broke up!"

"Armin that's old news, get over it
already. "

That's what I told Armin anyways, but the truth is I'm not even over it yet, but I have to play it cool.

"But Eren it's only been a week."

"Just get out Armin.."

As soon as Armin left my room I immediately started to think about the band's break up. It was depressing but I felt bad for kicking Armin out of my room like that. So I texted him sorry and told him to come back in here, if he still wanted to. Of course he didn't though, No Name was his favorite thing in the world, and mine too.

Downstairs I could hear Mikasa and Armin talking although I had some music playing. But I do wonder what they are talking about me or how the band broke up. Knowing how Mikasa didn't really care for the band I doubt it was about the band then. Guess I should head downstairs and talk to them.

Armin's POV:

What a jerk! I was trying to be nice to that fool but no, very cool Eren doesn't give a damn about "old news."
It's funny though, he told me before he had a thing for the lead singer, Levi. I don't think he knows that I remember the time he told me that.

I went downstairs to talk to Mikasa about it, of course but she seemed a little off today. As soon as I went downstairs Mikasa asked what was wrong, of course I told her everything but she said he still cares but just wants to act cool.

I knew it! That idiot always try to be cool. Mikasa said she is gonna try to invite the band over to make Eren feel better. I told her that his favorite band member was Levi, the lead singer. So it's settled, we are gonna get Levi over here!
Eren's POV:

When I went downstairs Armin and Mikasa were on the phone with someone, I couldn't really hear what they where talking about because I was trying to hide. Mikasa was telling Armin what to say into the phone. Finally they got off the phone and yelled a loud ass YES! I was surprised by the sound, it scared me and I yelped a little. Armin and Mikasa came over to the stairs and asked me if I was okay. I replied with a yes but I wonder who they called.

The next day Mikasa went out some where with Christa and Ymir. Armin was leaving to but he stopped by at my room first and dropped off some clothes from the dryer. After everyone left I went downstairs and started to watch T.V but then the door bell rang.

When I got up to answer the door I looked through the eye hole and seen a short man with raven black hair, ripped white skinny jeans and a leather black jacket with a T-shirt underneath. He was smoking a cigarette and looked very un pleased.
I opened the door cautiously, to find the lead singer from No Name.

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