Chapter 5

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Thorns. The one thing I didn't think about before tackling Rico in the bushes was thorns. Okay maybe that wasn't the only thing I didn't think of, I didn't think of scaring that little kid looking for his ball,  but hey, I was almost sentenced to death. I feel as though that gives me a 'go ahead and have sex where ever you please' card. No? Well I think so.

"You didn't have to roll me into the thorns, dick."

"You didn't have to have sex with me in the bushes."

"Yes I did, I don't have an excuse why yet. But I did."

"Well you better make it last, cause we're not stopping for the next couple hours."

"Seriously? I feel like I should not be the one who has to ask for sex. I think that's pretty much what makes you a guy."

"Should we really go into what makes me a guy. Right here? Right now?"

"It could go into me." I looked down sheepishly.

"Wow, being found not guilty really makes you horny." he laughed as he said it, but I could tell he was still rattled.

"What can I say. I like it like that." I should just stop talking

"Really, we're using song lyrics to express ourselves now?"

"That's so yesterday." I can't tell sometimes if my mouth doesn't understand what my brain means by 'hey you, yeah you, with the tongue, shut the fuck up' or if it just chooses to ignore it.

"Oh good lord. Just get in the car nympho." He opened the door for me as he walked around to his side of the car.

"That really should not be an issue for you. Most guys would find it to be a blessing."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I couldn't tell if he just hadn't been paying attention to me or was just out of things to say.

And so began the quiet portion of the car ride. I hate this portion. My mouth just gets bored sitting there inactive. It's just so unnatural. But then I started to get car sick so I could then fill in the silence with constant whining.

"My tummy hurts."

"We've only been in the car for," he paused to look at the clock. "Oh I guess it has been a couple hours."

"Yes, and now my stomach is trying to claw it's way out of me." I leaned the seat forward so I was as straight as I could be.

"Why don't you lean back to release the tension in your stomach."

"Nope, don't use that word. It's an icky word. No icky word usage right now."

"Okay, why don't you lean back to release the tension in your tummy?"

"Because the pressure I put on my tummy when I lean forward keeps me from puking on the floor." I moaned, a little bit for dramatic effect, but mostly because puking seemed to be in my near future.

"Shit are you really sick?" he whipped his head to look at me. Concern flooded his eyes. His eyes always said everything he didn't sometimes though, that hurt more than his words. Words could hit me and the sting would be felt, but looks? Looks stayed etched in my mind, popping up whenever they felt like it. Fuck the eyes.

"No, I just like pretending to be nauseas and sweaty." Gross, I am gross.

"Could you just tell me straight up if you're sick or not so I can pull off at a hotel for the night."

"Why can't you be nice? I just got great news!" I gave him an arm pump just to show him how exciting it was. Bad decision. very bad. Note to self make no sudden movements or your stomach will make you regret it instantaneously.

Romeo and Juliet.. Sort ofWhere stories live. Discover now