Chapter 2

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In the dictionary immune is defined as exempt or protected. If only Webster knew the true meaning to this world. If only everyone else knew what a curse this could be not just for the immune, but for those of us who created them.

The insane, mentally unstable, the different people. They were all part of a group much bigger than the so called "damaged" group they had been assigned. They were immunes. They knew the truth unlike the rest of the population. They were more sane and knew more about the world than any "normal" person.

To be an immune was a curse of sorts, to be trapped inside your own mind, knowing so much of the world be being poked and prodded into the direction of normalcy. To be drugged. To be experimented on. Immunes had been treated worse than cattle throughout the years, but how were they to fight back when they held no power whatsoever? At least in their world they didn't, but in my world, they held all the power.

Immunes have been around as long as my kind have, but as there numbers grew they became more and more powerful, wielding the secrets of our world as weapons against us. What was our kind to do? Let ourselves become extinct? No. So a committee was put in place, a bit of a clean up crew if you will. As the immunes were rounded up one after another a sanctuary of sorts was built, at least this is what the immunes were told.

This was in 872. This was when the first psychiatric hospital was built.

For so long immunes had been our keepers and finally we were there's. Immunity from the sting of our teeth had become a punishment. We were once again feared and allowed to bite as we pleased.

As batches of new vampires were created they were trained. We were trained to be stealthy and quick about our feeding sessions. We were trained mathematically calculate how many kills per area we could have before relocating. But the most important thing we were trained to do was spot an immune. A lesson I seemed to have missed. Fuck me.


I ripped the door open to find Rico sitting on our couch watching Honey Boo Boo. Just because we were vampires didn't mean we couldn't watch mindless television.

"Woah, woah, woah, baby girl slow down. I just replaced that from the last time you ripped it off."
 As I braced the door against the frame as I screeched "I bit a fucking immune!" Did I say that right? Did I say it at all? Did it really happen? I'm not going to lie it would be pretty fucking amazing if it hadn't.

"You did what? What's wrong with you? Can't you tell what an immune is?" He was apparently done watching the Boo as he crushed the remote in his hand. "Do you understand what this means?"

"Of course I understand what this means you moron!" I may have been dumb enough to bite the S.O.B. but I had a bit of common sense.

"I'm the moron? I'm not the one who bit a fucking immune!" It was a good thing we lived in the country because someone would have heard us screeching and called the cops. Honestly they still probably could.

"He didn't show any of the signs, he seemed completely normal!" I reviewed the night in my head, he never showed a single sign. His eyes didn't have speckles or a ring, they were both one color. He hadn't even had the scent of an immune.

"This is why you don't go trolling! This is why we have the committee find us feeders. Because they are thoroughly checked before we even release our teeth!"

I avoided his eyes, I knew he was right. What I did for food was frowned upon, but the thought of hand picking someone out of their life was wrong to me. The committee didn't discriminate, they picked anyone; mothers, fathers, children. Anyone with blood potent enough to satisfy a vamp for a week. I at least left my victims happy.

Romeo and Juliet.. Sort ofKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat