"I could've done that." I frowned.

"Don't worry sweetheart, we don't mind." Gemma smiled looking back at me. That woman sure was starting to grow on me, that's for sure.

The pair of them, Donna and Gemma. Donna was a great friend and Gemma? Well I kind of idolised her. She was great. She was ballsy, loved her family, had the perfect style, everything. I adored it.

Jax's POV:

Finishing up our burgers and drinks, I decided to wander further down the yard and lean against the fence. Resting my back against it, I pulled out my packet of cigarettes and lit one up, taking a puff as I allowed my eyes scan the yard.

Everyone was talking away and luckily, there had been no more mishaps between the two clubs.

Spotting Juice in the middle of the yard, his attention seeming to be held on me, I decided to gesture him over. I needed to get him onto that Diego Sanchez, something that should have been done a few days ago. But of course, we hadn't gotten around to it, just yet.

"What's up?" Questioned Juice, stopping beside me and leaning his back against the fence also.

I was sure he knew what I was about to ask him, it was pretty obvious.

"I'll get you to do a search up on that son of a bitch, Diego Sanchez. Should of fucking done it a few days ago." I mumbled, inhaling the smoke and handing it to Juice, who took it appreciatively.

"Yeah. I'll head back to the clubhouse now, let you know as soon as I know. You lot coming back?"

"We won't be far behind." I nodded.

"Jax, is it just me or is that Cheek dude from Deadly acting strange? I don't know if that him acting normally, but he seems off to me." Juice commented with a frown, staring directly ahead and he handed my cigarette back.

"Yeah, I agree man. Something about him is fucking off. From the way Deadly looked when he made an appearance, gave away that he wasn't meant to be here." I looked towards Cheek. I knew Ethel was scared of him, or she didn't trust him.

"Ethel has been freaking her shit though. Apparently Cheek knew about the shooting, told Ethel to watch her back." I frowned. I wasn't pleased about what he had said, but I couldn't say or do anything. I didn't know whether he knew because of word getting around or something else. And well telling her to watch her back? I wasn't sure whether that was threatening or simply looking out for her. Something told me it wasn't to look out for her, even I saw it in Ethel's eyes. I had never seen a reaction like that from her.

"Are you fucking serious?" Juice glared.

"Yeah." I replied.

Juice nodded his head as the silence crept in between us. Obviously thinking.

"I'm gonna head back to the club. I'll give you a buzz when I find something." Juice walked away, through the crowd.

Spotting Half-Sack standing awkwardly to one side, I rolled my eyes and smile.

"Aye Juice!" I yelled out, managing to catch more than just his attention.

"Yeah?" He turned around.

"Take Half-Sack with you."

Juice nodded his head again and began to walk away, once more. Once the pair of them had disappeared, Clay and Tig were the next to approach me.

"Where they going?" Clay questioned.

"Sent them back to the clubhouse. Got Juice looking into this Diego prick ." I threw the cigarette onto the ground and stomped on it.

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