I hadn't even had one in a few days - mainly because I could find him, and I knew she probably had, throwing them away when I wasn't around so I couldn't stop her and get mad. She was so determined to quit, and if she felt that strongly about it, I would. I couldn't imagine kissing her like that and tasting like smoke, and I wouldn't want her to get a disease or anything from it.

It was just such a relaxing habit, to feel the tension in your muscles release as you breathed in that first drag of smoke, and pot was even better.

But I hadn't done that either - for a few weeks anyway, and she didn't know about the other time. I could control myself. That's not something I was addicited too, just cigarettes. I tried cutting cold turkey, and that didn't work, so if these sugary lollipops have a shot, I'll try it.

"Can you jump off building like that?" She asked from my chest, tilting up her head to look at me.

"No." I shook my head, chortling at the question. "I'd fall. I'm not spiderman."

"But you are a super hero."

"No even close." Shaking my head, I kissed her temple, moving the padding of my thumb along her hands.

"You're my super hero, so yes, you are."

I felt myself blush, slowly looking away so her mom wouldn't see, but Bella sure did, and we all knew she thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"Thanks." I mumbled, still hiding my face in her hair, feeling her squeeze my hand.

But I wasn't any here. We all knew that.


7:32 PM

"Hi Mom." I held my phone up to my ear, staring at the waves as they crashed down on the sand.

"Justin? Hi, how are you?"

"I'm alright." I shrugged my shoulders, scooping up a handful of sand in my palm and let it fall through my fingers. "How are you?"

"I'm alright...is everything ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I just don't hear from you much, that's all."

"Oh..." I trailed off guiltily, once again scooping up a handful of sand. "I just miss you, and I really wanted to talk to you."

"I miss you too. We could do something soon if you wanted. I understand if you're busy with work and all."

"I'm actually in South Carolina now with Bella for maybe another week, then I'll be home. I'd like for you to meet her, and see you..."

"Yeah, I'd like that. I've heard she's a wonderful girl."

"She is...I- uh - ga ve her your necklace."

"Really? You did?"

"Yeah, she wears it everday. I've never seen her take it off actually. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. That's why I gave it too you. I'm glad you did. Have you talked to you brother and sister?"

"No, well I mean once, but not really much since I've been here. Why?"

"Just wondering," She paused, fiddling with something around her. "And your dad?"

"I talked to him for a minute last night just to say Hi, but no, we haven't really talked either. I think I'm going to take Bella over and spend some time with Jazzy and Jaxon when we get back though."

"Ok, good. That'll be nice. Just let me know when you want to come over, ok? Whenever you want."

"What about the weekend after I get back? Can we do that?"

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