As I watched all the cars leave the venue and I stood next to Hunter who I didn't know why but I didn't want to look at him or know what he's thinking.

I knew I couldn't have him again and I let the thought of him having a girlfriend pop up again in my head since we danced the whole time.

I shook my head and scoffed. Why was I doing this to myself? I am not with him and he's with someone else. I need to move on again. This time around I'll be more cautious. I don't want another Peter mistake again.

I knew he had heard me and I don't really care anymore as I left his side still in my bridesmaids dress towards my car.

Right now I don't need a man to mess me up. I am in collage. I have 3 more months left of my first year after spring break. I then only have three more years and then I hopefully will get a record deal and sing.

I don't need a man to help me and I know I don't need Hunter. He is just a friend now and I am fine with that. It's what's best for me and him.

I pulled my keys out and unlocked my car door before opening it. I looked back behind my shoulder. He still stood there with his hands in his tux pockets and I got to admit it, he looked hot. Just because I'm not dating doesn't mean I can't enjoy what's in front of me.

"Where is your car?" I asked as he looked over at me. His eyes were looking down at the pavement.

"I drove with my mom and she had to leave to go to work so I said I would take the bus or walk."

"You don't have your old bike?" I asked smiling at him.

He laughed, "No that's still in my moms garage."

"Well, I can give you a ride to your mom's house because she won't get off work until like midnight and you can't walk when it's getting dark."

He nodded, "Thanks"

I didn't say anything just got into the drivers seat as he got in the passenger and I drove off. I headed towards his house where he was staying at this spring break.

"So how is it going where you go to school?" I asked attempting to make a little small talk.

"It's doing great. I love it but then again I always miss my family and friends when I only see them every one or two months."

I nodded as he asked me how I was doing and I told him I was doing great. He just nodded as well as I parked into the drive way.

"Do you want to come in and catch up. It does get a little lonely without my mom."

"Sure, I mean I don't have anything to do."

We walked into the familiar house. I came here almost everyday. She was like my second mom. I loved her and I always came here with Hunter when we were together in highschool as well.

We went up to his room. I never went into his room since he left and now I'm going to his room with him. I held in my breath as he opened the door and walked in. It all looks the same accept he had a suit case open by his bed.

It looks like he never touched anything else when he came to visit or stay for one night when he could visit.

"I am just going to change in the bathroom. I don't mind if you ware my clothes or something. I know you can't be comfortable in that dress."

I nodded and then his eyes lit up and he smiled a little. I looked at him confused. He looked like he just remembered something.

He walked over to his dresser draws and pulled the last draw and I saw all my clothes that I used to ware when we were together that I would leave here.

"I kept a separate draw since you always left clothes because you always stayed the night when we were together."

I smiled and walked over to the draw and pulled out some clothes. It was a pair of plaid pajama pants and a plain white tank top.

He left to the bathroom and I got changed. I placed my dress and heels on his dresser.

I sat down on his bed that had his blanket all scrunched up from him sleeping last night. He walked in after a couple seconds with his sweat pants he would always ware to bed and a black normal T-shirt.

It had me almost drooling but I quickly stood up and past him, down the stairs, and into the kitchen as he followed.

(Play the song now to get the feel of the emotion)

We sat down at the table. He just stared at me for a while and I wondered if I had something on my face. I still had makeup on and I wondered if it spread or something.

"Is there something on my face?"

He laughed, "No, I was just looking at you after months of not seeing you."

"Well it makes me fill like your looking at something not so amusing. So just stop it."

He turned serious, "Sophia, you don't have to lack confidence in yourself because I think you are gorgeous and quite amusing."

I laughed and I know I shouldn't feel butterflies in my stomach but I couldn't stop when he is right there.

I was still in love with him when he left and I knew I still loved him.

"Can I make a confession if you make one?" I asked.

"I would love to hear this so shoot."

"I..when you left...I still...loved you."

The room went silent and then he said, "I know and since it's my turn for a confession I still loved you deeply too."

When he said that my heart melted and with out thinking I said, "I still love you."

He looked at me serious and he looked shocked. He just stared at me without moving a muscle.

"I mean I know you are with someone and I thought I had Peter and it's so not the right time. You go to college far away and we are just supposed to be friends. I am fine with that but I just had to get this off my chest. You don't have to feel the same or..."

"Beautiful.." He cut me off and I felt the water coming to my eyes.

He hasn't called me that since graduation when we ended it. We didn't talk to one another for the whole month until he left for college with a simple good bye.

"I still am in love with you."

I felt the single tear roll down my cheek. For some reason now it seemed like he was too far when he was just sitting across from me at the table.

He stood up and put his hands on the kitchen green walls and I just watched as he leaned his forehead against the wall and I stood up as well. He was in deep thought with his head on the wall and his eyebrows furrowed.

He stood there for a few silent moments. Then, he swung back around and before I could do anything he wrapped me into his arms. He was hugging me and squeezing me tightly. I felt wetness hit my shirt from his tears.

I felt two tears roll down my cheeks as I pulled away and looking into his brown eyes. He grabbed my face and planted his lips on mine and kissed me with hunger. I replied with kissing him back just missing the feel of it when he kissed me.

I was kissing him again....

I hope you like this chapter and let me know your reaction to the ending :)

Song title - gorgeous by x Ambassadors

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