An Incident in Silver

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~Chapter 19 

Thank you to everyone who voted and commented on my last chapter! Means a lot :D so yeah, everything is going down in this chapter, it's about to get real XD (sorry for any mistakes, I haven't checked this through yet as I stayed up until 12:10 AM to write this for you guys, hope you like it XD) 

Ella x 


-The Doctor's POV

This is wrong. Very wrong. Precisely 4 months ago I had suspected alien activity in the area, but these readings have suddenly jumped too far up the scale, way past average. I sonic the laptop again, just to make sure the readings are correct, then when they come back positive I sit back in the chair. I never thought aliveness would ever come to a place like this, I mean, the town is so small, what could they find here... I don't know. But there's certainly some strange activity going on, and I need to find out what. I also need to tell Rose. I've Ben putting off mentioning it to her I case she worried, but now I realise maybe I should've mentioned it ages ago. I'm not entirely sure what's going on between us, but whatever it is she doesn't seem happy. I check the clock, it's 8:30pm, she should be home soon. Feeling a little worried about the whole news with the alien activity, I decide picking Rose up form work myself wouldn't be a bad idea.


-Rose's POV

I finish earlier than I thought, it now being 8:50pm. Okay, ten minutes early. My voice managed to stay neutral, but that performance very certainly wants my best, and the weird thing was Mike wasn't anywhere eye in sight. Usually he's right there watching, working at the bar, or supervising everyone and just managing everything, but not tonight. I even asked Lucy but she didn't know. Earlier, before the performance, I vented everything out onto Lucy. I basically told her everything from today, about Jane and how I've always felt for the Doctor, and she fully understood. It was so good to get it out my system. Feeling utterly worn out, I take my coat off the radiator by the the pub door, and pull the warmth over myself, and zip it's up. When I open the door I realise just really how cold it is, snow is lightly falling, I thought it would all be over in early February, but obviously the clouds are just clinging onto Christmas for a tiny bit longer. I walk out into the dark night, the bright moon illuminating the softly falling snow, like sheets of silver. I'm just turning the corner round the street when I hear a cough. A little startled, I turn around to see Mike standing at the end of an alley. I can only just make out his silhouette, but I know by the build and the deep cough it's him.

"Rose" he says, and walks forward.

"Mike" I reply, and shove my hands into my coat pockets in the cold.

"What a beautiful voice you had tonight, pitch as pure as water!" He smiles in the darkness. As he comes closer, the moon shines onto his face and reflects all his features.

"Thanks" I say, knowing that was very much not true.

"Almost as pure as Lucy" Mike shrugs.

"What do you mean?" I ask, feeling confused.

"Are you as pure as Lucy, Rose?" He asks in a tone of voice I've not heard I'm speak in before.

"Um, I don't know what you mean" I say.

"Yes Rose, I think you are" Mike says, and I see him smile. It's only them I realise something is terribly, terribly wrong. A glisten of silver shines into my eyes, and I trace the light back to Mikes pocket, where poking out the top is nothing other than a knife. I try to scream but it's too late. Mike pushes me up against the wall and kisses my fiercely, pinning me back. He other hand comes between us and reaches for his knife. I try to scream again but his lips are too hard on mine, blocking me from even breathing. I try to pull away, thrashing out, but I know it's already too late. Mikes other hand holds me against the wall whilst the other one yanks out his knife. Suddenly I feel a very sharp thrash on my abdomen, and another even more painful slash on my leg. This time I scream just as Mike pulls away his mouth for a matter of seconds. As soon as the sound escapes me I know it's too late. Mike drops the knife, pulls me away from the wall, and throws me to the ground. I try to sit up but can't, and am suddenly aware of someone else being here. I see another person, but my vision is blurring and I can't see. The last thing I can make out is Mike being thrown to the floor, and everything turning black.


-The Doctor's POV

I wait for Rose to come out of the pub but see no one. It's 9pm, when she usually finishes, but I can't see her anywhere. I suddenly spot Lucy in the window, arranging some flowers, and instinct acting upon me, I walk over and quickly Tao the glass. She smiles and opens the window.

"Doctor, what can I do for you?"

"Has Rose left, do you know?" I ask quickly.

"Someone's in a hurry" she smiles lightly "Um, yeah she has. About five or ten minutes ago" she says.

"Okay, thank you" I reply, and start to walk away.

"And Doctor!" Lucy calls out. I turn around questioningly. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course" I say, and turn back to face the window

"You love her, right?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You love Rose?"

"I..." My voice catches in my throat a moment, and I swallow "Of course I do" I say finally.I realize that moment was the first time I had ever confessed to loving Rose out loud.

"Then tell her....Because right now she's feeling awful. Doctor, she thinks you kissed Jane. And my bets are on that that's not the full story"

"How did you know about that?" I ask quickly.

"Rose told me today, she said she saw you then came running to me and broke down"

"She...she was upset?" I ask.

"She loves you, Doctor. Of course she was upset" Lucy says. My heart is in my mouth and I can barely speak. 

Rose, loves me?


Barely believing it, I run a hand through my hair. My mind flashes back to all the moments we've shared, and I wonder how blind I was to no spot it before. 

"Tell her you love her Doctor, before one of you does something stupid" Lucy says. 

I should probably reply but I'm already running away. I knew she wasn't in there, I knew it. And that explains a lot, Rose's strange behavior from earlier, and how she's been acting odd after we kissed...Then suddenly I start to worry. There was suspected alien activity in the area...what if? No, stop worrying. Just find her. I round the corner of the street and it's the sound which makes me stop. I hear muffled voices, and then suddenly a lot of bashing around. My instinct takes me by the hand and leads me down the alley, and suddenly I know something isn't right. It's then when I hear the scream. And that's not any scream. That was...


Both her name and the scream echo through my ears like a million drum beats. Then suddenly I'm running at full speed, I round the corner and am then faced with a horrifying scene in front of me. A scene I could never have even contoured up in my mind. Mike stands among the shadows, pinning Rose against the wall, holding am object none other then a knife. It is then when he throws her on the floor, and I act fast. Using every last bit of experience I've gained through my long life, I shove Mike away from the wall, and knock him to the ground, un-harmed, but unconscious. Leaving mike entirely, I let all of my actions turn to Rose. I quickly kneel beside her, and find her unconscious. Then I become aware of the blood. The snow has turned an alarming shade of deep scarlet, and I notice two large gashes, one on Rose's waist and on her leg. My whole heart constricts and I know I have to act fast. Quickly I pull her phone out the  top pocket pf her jacket and dial 999 before I can take a closer look at her wounds. Someone answers straight away and I tell them everything, and they tell me help is on the way. Putting the phone back in my pocket, I turn all my attention back to Rose. Her still body lies on the floor, and terrified to move her, I just grab her hand in the snow.

"I'm so sorry" I tell her. I know she can't hear me, but I have to tell her all the same. "I'm sorry for everything. I didn't kiss Jane, Rose. She kissed me, and I couldn't stop her...s-she was too strong. I didn't want to kiss her, the only person I wanted to be kissing was you. You, Rose. No one else. It's always been you. I..I can't hold in my feelings any more, it's too I have to tell you" I pause a second, and take a deep breath "Rose Tyler, I-" I start, but just at that, the ambulance team arrive out of nowhere and they're running over to Rose with loads of equipment in their arms, and two people carrying a stretcher. I can barely breathe or take in the situation, so I just stand back and let the paramedics do their work. But I will tell her, she has to know the truth. 

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