Floor 10

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~Chapter 2

Rose's POV

(Sorry for any mistakes, I'm very tired)


The Doctor sonics the cashpoint in one swift, unnoticed motion and immediately £500 slips out. He takes the money and slides it into his top pocket. I can't help feel its wrong, but the Doctors right; what choice do we have? We can't exactly start a life for 6 months with nothing, especially when we need to get out of London. I smile at the Doctor as he takes my hand in his and we walk along the street. I can't help but feel happy for a moment. I know we're going to be stranded on Earth for 6 months, and the Doctor will most probably be a nightmare, but walking a long this London street together now, it feels almost as if we're just an ordinary....couple. Obviously we're not a couple. No, definitely not. We may be a couple of people, but we're not a couple. There's a big difference. There's another thing. Can't help but notice, how our hands fit perfectly together. His are slightly colder than mine, but they're the perfect ratio along with my high body heat, and his fingers interlock perfectly with mine. The Doctor soon breaks me out my reverie.

"So, I say let's go to the train station and look at times." He pipes up.

We arrive at the train station shortly after, finding that we were in fact very close to one. However I'm beginning to feel tired, it must be late as me and the Doctor had only just eaten dinner when we got kicked out the Tardis, so it must be somewhere between 8 and 9 PM. The Doctor soon checks the times and finds that the closest train to Cardiff is in 2 minutes.

"We'll have to run if we want to make it." I say, looking a little desperately at the glowing 2 minute warning for the train.

"As fast as we may be, Rose Tyler, you're right; we won't. We have to get tickets first...we'd never get there on time." He scratches his head and runs a hand through his spiked-up, soft brown hair, diverting my attention where it shouldn't be yet again.

Jesus, Rose, stop it and concentrate, I scold myself.

"So when's the next train to Cardiff?" I ask.

"Tomorrow." The Doctor sighs and looks over at me "7:30AM."

I see the anxiety building behind his eyes, something I haven't learnt to recognise after travelling with him for so long. It's not something he can mask from me anymore. I try to act casual, like its no big deal "So...we'll have to find somewhere to stay."

"There's a cheap hotel next to here, we passed it on the way in. Should keep us in budget." The Doctor says.

"Okay, sounds good" I give him a smile.

So with the plan of catching the train at 7:30 tomorrow morning, we leave for the hotel. The Doctor's right, it is just round the corner from here. It's old, and kind of grey in colour, and a smashed window to the left. Yep, within budget. I take the Doctors hand as we go inside. It's not as bad as on the outside, the carpets old fashioned and a deep maroon colour with yellow patterns, and the wallpapers peeling slightly but nothing too horrific. The Docotr leads me over to the reception desk.

"Hello, could we book a room for the night?" The Doctor asks. The man nods. His badge reads "Tony".

"You're lucky, there's only one more available for tonight. Floor 10, room 112, that'll be £120 please." Tony says. Blimey, quite a price for a place like this for one night, especially in the scabby outskirts of London. Oh well. Tony hands over the key and we set off upstairs. "Never take the lift, not as fun that way" the Doctor always insists. So by the time we've got to the tenth floor I'm out of breath.

"Y'know, we could just take the lift next time." I say.

"Nah, not any fun that way. No wonder half the human population are far too unfit." The Doctor slides the key in the door to our room and pushes open the door. It's cold inside, and the Doctor turns the light on to reveal a small room containing a dresser, a small green armchair, a kettle, a box of tissues, and then there's an external door leading to what must be the bathroom. However there's a problem, only one, rather small double bed. We both stare at the bed wondering what to do next, but I avoid the subject for now by entering the bathroom, there's a small shower, sink and toilet, everything you need really. Except we've nothing to change in to, and there's no sign towels to dry with. So a showers out the window.

"It's pretty cold in here." I say, and go back into the room and take a seat of the edge of the bed, hugging my thin jumper around me.

"I'll look for the heating." The Doctor says, beginning to shiver himself.

"Ah, here." The Doctor moves over to the radiator in the corner of the room. I silently thank god for some source of heat. But my prayers are left when the Doctor says "It's broken." Great, cold night ahead.

"It's alright. We'll be fine. It's only one night." I say, and slip off my shoes, shoving them under the dresser.

"You tired?" I ask the Doctor, who is standing awkwardly by the armchair, hands stuffed into his suit pockets. For a second he looks like a small child who has just been told off by their parents. I have a sudden urge to pull him to me and hug him, but of course I don't.

"Not really. Seeing as I only need a few hours, why don't you take the bed. I'll be fine on the armchair." He says "To be honest, I don't even need to sleep at all". But I protest.

"Doctor, you've seen how long I sleep, you'll be waiting for me to wake up until morning, you may as well get in first. I'll take the armchair." I say.

"No. Humans need more sleep than us Timelords, please, take the bed."

I sigh. None of us are going to win this battle and we know it. "Well then we'll have to just both get in." I say. The Doctor swallows.

"Sorry?" He asks.

"You heard me, come on, hop in." I say boldly, and scoot myself under the covers. Sleeping in jeans and a jumper isn't the comfiest, but I can buy some pyjamas tomorrow. The Doctor just watches me for a few seconds before giving up and slipping off his shoes too, then moving to slide under the covers beside me. It's a small bed, so our sides are touching easily. I feel his hip bone press awkwardly against my side. God, he's skinny. It's a bit awkward at first, but we both soon get a but more comfy and I feel the Doctor relax. He turns over and switches of the dusty bedside light. "Night, Rose." He says.

"Goodnight, Doctor." I reply. It's not long before I start shivering, despite the duvet and my jeans and jumper, I'm still freezing. October's a cold month in London, especially with no heating. I begin to hear my teeth chatter.

"Cold?" The Doctor asks through the darkness. I nod and then realise he can't see me.

"I'm-m f-fine." I say, trying to stop my teeth from chattering. The Doctor seems to have stabilised his own body temperature with his amazing "Timelord abilities".

"No you're not," he sighs "come here or you'll freeze. We need to raise you body temperature" He says, but before I can say anything, I feel his hand snake around my waist, pulling me back against his body. My whole body freezes, and not from the cold. Just the feeling of being pressed so close against him is more than I could've imagined, and his had laying gently around my waist sends shivers through me.

"Any warmer?" He asks.

"Much." I reply and lean back against him. I close my eyes and it's not long before I find myself drifting off into a deep sleep.

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