J o h n s o n

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After spending the whole day cramped inside, with your boyfriend of 2 and a half years, you both decided it would be a good idea if you went for a swim at the beach. You were a bit unsure though, because he's been acting weirdly to you all week, and was never home.

  "I'll get dressed first," you say hoping for a reply, but instead, I'm responded with a shrug of the shoulders, his eyes not even moving from the television screen. You sigh, not caring about being ignored.

  You get changed into a blue, tie-dyed bikini, one of my favourites. You put a white lace shirt with no sleeves and after much decision, you choose wearing high-waisted leather shorts.

  You tie my hair in a half-up, half-down hairstyle, when you finish, you walk downstairs, and tap Jack on the shoulder.

  "You can get dressed now," you say to him.

  "I can get dressed anytime I want, I payed most of the money for this house," he snaps.

  Not in the mood to fight you ignore him and sit on the couch, waiting for him.

  You pick up my phone, and ring Gilinsky, Sammy, and Skate, inviting them to the beach, so it's not so awkward while Jack and you are fighting.

  You pick your car keys up when Jack comes downstairs and you trail to your car with him behind you. You start the car, at the same time creating the most awkward and silent car ride ever

(Skip to beach)

Jack, Gilinsky, Skate and Sammy all do the hi five and the bro hug thing and start talking and laughing.

Way to feel included........

  "Oh, (y/n) my girlfriend Mads, is coming, she's just in the car getting something," he says. You nod your head, trying to look excited, but being honest, Madison is sort of a slut.  (A/N: just my opinion)

  "Oh my God, I love your hair                (Y/N),"she says, twirling your hair around her finger. You don't really feel comfortable with her slutty fingers on your ombré hair, but you don't want to be rude either.

  "Thanks," you say slowly. She begins walking towards Gilinsky. She starts a make out session with him which is really gross.

   Your phone dings:
From Sammy😋:
Just can't stay away from each other

You laugh at the text. Jack looks at me. Sammy must of sent it to Jack too because he starts laughing too. Then Skate.

  "I'm going swimming," you state, wanting to get away from the grossness. A chorus of yes' follow, while you take your thongs, shirt and pants off before running and diving under the wave. You're  followed by everyone except for Gilinsky and Madison, who you presume are still sucking each other's faces off.

  We continue swimming, you're not one of those girl that sit and tan, you always participated in swimming carnivals when you were younger.

  "Hey (Y/N), can you get the tennis ball from my bag?" Jack asks you.

  You nod running up the sand, to where we put all the bags.

  "Hey (Y/N), you know Johnson's doesn't really like you, he's just with you because he feels sorry for you, but, a boy like Gilinsky is someone who will always love you," she rambles on with, while laying on the sand, her swimmers only covering the bare minimum.

  I ignore her and start feeling around Jack's bag for the tennis ball instead I find a cube jeweller's box..........

  "(Y/N)," Jack says talking the box from you," we've been together for two and a half hectic years, we've been through so much shit together, we've fought, we've screamed at each other, but, you were always there for me through thick and thin. I know we're young, only 19, but, I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else but you. So I ask you,(Y/N), will you do the honour of being my amazing wife."

  You battle through tears to say 'yes'.

    He slips the ring on your finger, which almost makes your finger drop of with the weight. 

  You turn to Madison, and say to her,

  "Well, looks like to me that he loves me pretty good, I don't see your boyfriend doing that anytime soon, bitch."

  With that you hi-five Jack and walk off, ready to start your lives together.
Chapter for BooksandkissesXO hope you liked it, even though it's pretty crap!

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