Artist questions

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This is the best place for this XD
Also as a side note, if you saw the previous chapter the comic has started over at my DA karma2u 0w0"

Tagged by neko_heart
1. Are you self taught or take classes
A mix? I taught myself mostly, but I also used books and copied screenshots till I got a comfortable style (except I STILL CANT FIND A CONSISTENT WAY OF DRAWING THE SKELEBROS DAMMIT)

2. Do you consider yourself a good artist?
I think I'm pretty good, I'm not the best, but I think it's acceptable and "cool" enough for me

3. How long have you been drawing?
Frequently, about a year and a half. I started properly drawing when I started watching anime (soul eater, I thank you)

4. What annoys you the most about being an artist?
Probably when I can't get what I'm drawing the right shape- like recently I've been trying to draw the Skelebros recently but I still can't get a look this good. Also hair- I can never get it to fall the right way, and I feel it looks too "solid" a lot of the time

5. What do you draw the most?
My ocs, really. I like designing them, and I'm not so afraid of explaining what I'm drawing if I can say It's someone I've designed

6. How old are you?
16 last week -w-

7. Traditional or digital?
Both? XD I like shading and colour ranges I can use digitally, but I find it easier drawing by hand. And one of those pad things isn't on my options, I've tried them and I can't get them right, if anyone has model suggestions tho...

8. Has someone ever said you were bad?
Last year, yeah. Actually part of the reason I started to draw more- she'd said I was trying to draw too much like this guy in my class who also draws anime (more of a Shojo style) so I wanted to try and improve and create my own styles. She says I'm good now ^w~

9. Who inspired you?
Various anime artists- I started drawing before I got into uploading online, so there isn't anyone here in particular that influenced me (no offence!!!!), anime in particular that helped were soul eater and... Well that's all I can think of. The eye styles vary a lot, which helped me think of different ways to draw them.

I can't name many artists so I'm just gonna say do it if you want to ouo

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