* (Chapter Three) The Stripper Survives A Life Or Death Situation

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After Sans ran out of the bar work got boring. REALLY boring. But I still stayed and finished my shift. I finished serving a table and nodded at Grillby. He nodded back and I went and clocked out. Taking off my apron and setting on the hook under my name.

I left, waving at everyone as I was going, and went to my house. Well, David's house. I walked in and the place reeked of alcohol. "Ughh..." I mumbled and tiptoed past the living room. Too late. "Ariel? Ariel come here!" I sigh and walk in the living room. "Yes, Sir?" He growled. "When the hell you going to cook me dinner?!" I sighed. Again. "Wish I could Sir, got work." He stood up, although I didn't show it I was intimidated by it. He grabbed me by my throat.

"Listen here, bitch. I don't give a FUCK about your job. You're going to walk into that kitchen there and make me some fucking dinner! Understand?!" He screamed in my face, I would usually step back and do as he said. However, I was currently worried about the very little oxygen I was getting. "D-David...! C-Can't B-BREATHE!!" I screamed, clawing at his hand. 

He sneered and let my throat go. I dropped to my knees and took in gulps of air before it was quickly stolen from me again. David brought up his leg and swiftly kicked me in the chest. I groaned and held my chest, shielding it from any more blows with my arms as I moved into a fetal position. "Now, let's try this again shall we? You're gonna take your whore ass into that motherfucking kitchen and cook me some goddamn dinner before I kick those nasty ass teeth in and make sure you choke on them! Now move your fucking ass, NOW!" 

He slammed his foot down on my back and then walked back over to the can of beer he was drinking, sitting in his recliner. I got up and hurried into the kitchen. If I cooked him a quick meal of Mac&Cheese I could run to the strip pub and still have 10 minutes to get ready. I quickly put some water into a pan and put the stove on high. I put the noodles in and start stirring. "Hey, slut! You almost done in there? I'm not getting any older in here, waiting on your slow ass!" David yelled. 

"Yeah, it's almost done!" I yelled. I hate him. I hate him, I hate him, GOD I HATE HIM! I screamed in my head, I looked down and realized I had broken the wooden spoon I was using to stir it with. Shit. I threw it away and here a shlink sound. Like a knife being pulled. I brushed it off and got a pot holder, turning back to the pan. "What the fuck did you just do?"  I heard behind me. I slowly turned with the pot of boiling water in hand, and- HOLY SHIT!!!

I side-stepped out of the way as David flung a knife down at me, he went to slash at me again and out of basic instinct, I threw the boiling water on him. "AHHHH! YOU FUCKING BITCH WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU YOU'RE SO FUCKING DEAD!!!!!" David screamed, shedding his burning clothing and before I knew what I was doing I grabbed my purse from the nightstand and ran. I had nowhere else to go, so I went to work. I sighed, what a night.


Hello, everyone! Sorry about taking FOREVER to update! A lot's been going on but it's okay, I'll try to start updating regularly again! Also, I'm thinking of starting a MafiaTale Sans x Reader! Let me know what you think of the idea and have a nice night/morning! Have a nice day my lovelies!! *Author-Chan has rolled of screen to eat some ramen because she can*

The day a Waitress and a Skeleton met in a bar (Sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now