The aftermath!

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Riku:Finally break time!

Xion: Your doing well Riku and those kill streaks just keep getting higher and higher! I think your highest was 84+

Riku:Well I couldn't have done it without my coach*Pat's Xion's shoulder*

Xion:*Blushes* Aw your sweet...I'm kind of hungry I'm gonna go Downstairs to see if any of those snacks are still there

Riku:Ok hurry back though it starts back in 30 minutes

Xion: Ok! *Quickly pecks Riku's lips and runs Downstairs*

Riku:*Blushes and touches his lips*


Riku:Oh Mk I nearly forgot you were there you stay up pretty long I'm impressed!....I suppose I should wake you up.....but you need your sleep....hmmmm*Thinks for a minute*

Me:....*Stirs around* *Mumbles*! Why!?


Me:...*Mumbles* Why did you go back!? We can help you just let us! You don't have to do this alone!

Riku:Is she dreaming? *Gets up and looks at her face to see she's sweating and her hair is messed up* Oh my god she's sweating!

Me:*Sightly yells* Don't leave me!

Riku: Ok that's enough I can't sit here and watch this any longer! *Shakes her lightly* Mk! Mk wake up! *Speaks a little louder* MK!!!!

Me.....*Eyes fly open and sits up in an instant, panting a lot* *Looks around the place* where am I?

Riku:Mk? *Reaches out to touch her*

Me:*Looks in Riku's direction* Who's there?!

*It's was to dark to see anything*

Riku:*Turns on the lamp on the side table and sits at the side of the bed* Mk? You ok? You were talking in your sleep

Me:...I was?

Riku:*Nods and sits right in front of her cross legged* What happened?

Riku:*Nods and sits right in front of her cross legged* What happened?

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(Riku's pajamas)

(Riku's pajamas)

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