"Chloe," Lucifer interrupts. "Stop." Looking perplexed, she finally meets his eyes. Silent, she waits for what he has to say. "Go back, what do you mean he made you think I was in danger?"

Sniffling, Chloe tells him. "When I found out who it was, I got a phone call. It was Thomas. He needed the evidence against him, and he said if I didn't meet him alone...then he would hurt you. I remembered that time I shot you, and how you bled despite all your talk about immortality. I couldn't place you in danger Lucifer. So I left you a single clue in case things went south. I met up with him, gave him what he wanted. But he tried to drug me. I fought him and used his weight against him. We fell through the glass windows, and all I can remember is the pain before I blacked out. When I woke I was in that basement, strapped to a gurney. Wearing a bloodied hospital gown and paralyzed from the drugs like the other girls before me. Thomas...he," it was growing harder for her to speak. "He...he tried to perform a surgery on me. When I tried to fight back..."

Words seemed to not be able to form and she began to hyperventilate again. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she forced herself to keep going. "I found out later he severed a nerve within me. But it didn't work, it was just damaged. The doctors say it might repair itself, they couldn't tell since they never saw anything like it. Then Thomas tried to repair it, and placed actual staples within me. After the pain, all I could feel was this numbness. Lucifer...I didn't think I was making it out from that place. I had fully accepted imminent death. As if it was a gift or a symbol, my hand wasn't as tight in its harness. I grabbed a scalpel and when he came back I stabbed him with it.

"I untied myself and tried to run. When my foot," Chloe points towards her plastered ankle. "When it hit the ground, I fell flat. Thomas grabbed onto my leg and I tried to fight him off. The blade was embedded between his shoulder blades as I made my way for the stairs. I could hear your voice," Chloe's voice begins to break. "He chased me, and I knew I wouldn't make it past him again. I made a split second decision to let both of us fall down the stairs. When we landed...the blade seeped all the way through. I can still see it. Thomas on the ground, his body seizing and shivering. I knew he wasn't going to make it, so I was forced to just sit there and listen to his gargling sounds. The cops informed me that he died down there after choking on his own blood."

"Chloe..." Lucifer tries to place into the conversation. Yet, Chloe continues on.

"I don't remember a lot after that point. It went black, in and out. What I do remember...is you. When I saw you I remember this deep desperation to cling onto you, like you were my savior and without you...I don't know where I would be. Lucifer, I don't know if I would have made it out of there. Without you."

Taken back by her words, Lucifer is left truly speechless for a moment or two. "What part of that makes you seem weak? All I heard was a girl who fought so hard for her life, even when everything including the odds was against her. You may have given up for a moment, but you fought until the end Chloe. You did everything you could, and now a child still has her mother to raise her. While I was waiting for you, all I could think of was the moments we've had. From the first moment I met you up to that moment in that basement. I hope you remember. When there was only a chance I would never see you again, all I wanted was to go back in time so I could've met you sooner. I want to know you for my whole life, and love you just as long. If there is a price to loving you, I'll pay it every single minute of every single day. Chloe, I've finally found my reason to be here on this earth. I've realized that at least here I can be your lover. If my father took you, we would be separated forever and I can't even begin to fathom that thought nor do I want to."

Chloe looks at the ground where Lucifer's feet rest. "Playing in your metaphor, how can you love me anymore after what I've done? A man is dead because of me. I'm no longer an angel, I have taken a life."

Lucifer stands up from his chair and walks over to Chloe's bedside. Bending his knees, he places his lips next to her ear. "Even the brightest of angels have inner demons. It was self-defense, and his soul was not innocent. Thomas will get what is coming to him, and yet your halo still remains. Blinding the darkest soul there is in front of you. Please don't ever believe that you are tainted, or less innocent. Chloe, your still a perfect angel to me," Lucifer whispers softly before planting another kiss on her forehead.

As his lips leave, he feels two petite hands lock behind his hot neck. Pulling him down, Chloe crashes her lips into his again and Lucifer smiles as they share another kiss. At first it seems unsteady. Then the kiss turns passionate, and fiery. It lights something within the both of them. Never before has Chloe felt so alive, especially after being so close to death. Her lips are dry and chapped while his are soft, the moisture leaking into hers. Her hands sneak beyond his shoulders and her hands grasp at his jacket and back. Lucifer bends lower and wraps his arms around her waist. When they break to inhale, it only takes a moment before they resume. Chloe's heart monitor is rising, while remaining steady. Lucifer's veins in his neck protrude as he focuses primarily on the woman in front of him, and how much of a frenzy he is sent into at the mercy of her touch.

When they break, their foreheads touch as both Chloe and Lucifer breathe heavily. In and out. In and out. Chloe lets out a small chuckle as she realizes not only are some of her arm cords, but she has also come dangerously close to ripping her IV out. Lucifer also manages a small giggle as he unwraps a cord or two.

"You are leaving aren't you?" Chloe asks.

"I wish I wasn't. I'll be back however. You just need to focus on healing my dear," Lucifer tells her.

"I'll try," Chloe promises.


All Amenadiel needed was proof. When Maze had told him that Lucifer's weakness was a mortal girl...he hadn't believed it. Keeping it in his back pocket as a final plan, he had only just begun to fantasize what he could do with that knowledge. Sure enough, as he followed Lucifer around for the past few days he had seen all he needed.

The devil himself was weak and vulnerable to this girl.

Amenadiel had tried everything. This next plan would not be approved by his father, but Amenadiel could take it no longer. Guarding the gates of hell wasn't easy. The job was not meant for him. Perhaps separating Lucifer from Chloe would be exactly the push Lucifer needed to return to his throne.

Whether or not the plan was morally right, Amenadiel had already made up him mind. This pressure was too much, and he would do anything to get it to go away. Plan B was just beginning, waiting to be executed. It was too soon to act straight away. Now all that was left do was wait for the proper timing, and begin praying for forgiveness.

Love In The Dark (A Deckerstar FanFiction) Where stories live. Discover now