Ice cream date with Luke

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This is cute stuff guys.

To be honest its just a long imagine.

Most things on here won't be too long...


You and Luke are walking from the ice cream shop to find him a pair of blue jeans (we all know he doesn't have any of those) for Jacks redneck/outdoor wedding. As you are walking he nearly runs into a tree. To save himself, he risked getting ice cream on his shirt. As he did you laughed until your stomach hurt. As you're laughing he is pouting thinking it's not funny.

"Gee, I guess we're going to have to get you a new shirt too!" You say trying to catch your breathe from all of the laughing.

"Yeah." He sighs, trying not to laugh. He believes that your smile and your laugh are contagious.

-20 minutes later-

You're waiting for Luke to come out of the bathroom. Minutes later, he opens the door shirtless with his head peaking out.

"(Y/N), can you help me out?" He says seriously.

"How? Luke you're 19 years old and you can't put on a shirt?" You asked with concerns.

"(Y/N) I just need you to help me getting the tag off." He says as you walk in.

"Do you want yo pull one side and I'll pull the other?" You ask.

"Sure" he says.

As you both pull, you get the tag off. But, you ended up falling on the floor. As you both laugh, he pulls you up and kisses your forehead.



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