Part 2 JASON

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            It had been a long, hot day for me.

            I overslept and missed breakfast this morning. I didn’t even get to see Piper before the activities started. I almost had gotten scorched to death on the lava wall, and shoveled poop for an hour at the stables. But Sword- fighting had sent me over the edge.

 The counselor at Sword-fighting had been cranky and impatient with me. It was 90 degrees and humid, and the counselor was in no mood to be beaten. Finally, I had snapped and asked to work alone. The counselor, a big Ares kid named Logan Butterworth, was fine with that. He never had liked me anyway.

            I was drenched in sweat, hacking at dummies like there was no tomorrow. Logan seemed to be convinced I was a terrible fighter, and wanted to enlighten me with all of his vast sword-fighting knowledge. While I was working alone, he’d turn around and hiss comments in my ear like “Nice miss, Grace,” and, “Where’d you learn that move, Grace? Rome? Oh, wait.”

            By mid-afternoon, I was about ready to use Logan as a practice dummy. He was in the corner, demonstrating a dis-arming move to a group of young campers. Most of them weren’t even watching him; they had been watching me slice open the straw sacks. I waved to them, and a couple waved back. Logan looked up and scowled at me.

            “Grace,” He growled, lifting his sword threateningly. I could tell he wasn’t going to attack, just proving his authority; but I wasn’t scared of him.

            “Butterworth,” I gave him a wicked smile and lifted my sword in return.

            Logan shied back, but the scowl didn’t leave his face. “Go get me some shields from the weapons shed. Now.”
            The young campers looked at me with big eyes, hoping I’d go up and slice Logan’s ugly face clean off. But, this might have been the opportunity I was waiting for: a chance to leave Sword-fighting early.

            “Sure,” I said breezily. “No problem.”

            Logan’s fat face flashed disbelief, but only for a moment. It twisted right back into a scowl, and he said, “Good. Go, leave. Before I hack your legs off.”

            Obviously, Logan was bluffing; showing off to the younger campers. “Yeah, yeah.” I muttered under my breath.

            “What was that, Grace?”

            “Nothing,” I said, and ran out of the arena as fast as I could.

            Quite honestly, I never planned on going back, or getting the shields for that matter. Logan could go get them himself if he wanted them that badly.

            I wandered up and down paths, looking for something to do. I was hoping I’d walk by the activity Piper was in, but I never saw her once.

            Frank had told me this morning in Archery that he had a date with Hazel tonight. I knew he liked Hazel for a long time now, and I was happy that they were finally together. But when he told me Piper had set them up, I was sort of shocked. She wasn’t really the type to meddle in other peoples’ lives. But, Frank’s good fortune had given me an idea.

            Piper and I haven’t really hung out much lately, and I missed her. I was planning to surprise her with a romantic dinner on top of my cabin. The only problem was, I hadn’t been able to talk to her long enough to ask her.

            I was just thinking about the best way to approach her and ask when she literally fell out of the sky and landed in my arms. I happened to be walking under a big tree near the bathrooms, and with a big crash, Piper fell out. She had a crazy look in her eyes and twigs sticking out of her hair, but she was still beautiful.

            After explaining her tree-climbing adventure, I took her hand and we walked together. I hadn’t spent this much time with her in days, and it felt wonderful. Piper’s hair was messy and she was covered in dirt, but I couldn’t help but stare at her. She didn’t seem to notice, and if she did, she didn’t let on.         

            Some little part of my brain said, ask her out now. It’s the perfect time. I opened my mouth to say something, but she looked at me with those beautiful eyes, and I lost my train of thought.

            What if she says no? My brain teased. Then you’ll look like a fool.

            She’s not going to say no, the more logical part of my mind argued.  She’s your girlfriend for god’s sakes!

            Finally, I worked up the nerve to say something. “So listen, Pipes, are you doing anything tonight?”

            Her cheeks flushed. “No, I’m totally free.”

            Thank the gods.

            “Do you think you maybe want to do something with me tonight?” I asked. I could feel my cheeks burning rosy red.

            “Of course, Jason,” Piper squeezed my hand. “What do you want to do?”

            “I have a something in mind,” I said. I’m not sure where this sudden burst of confidence came from, but my stomach was still tied in knots. “But it’s a surprise.”

            “A surprise?”

            “You’ll find out tonight. I’ll pick you up at your cabin at 8, ok?”

            “Ok,” She smiled and blushed.

            “Now, I wish I could stay here with you, but I can’t.” I said, turning around to face her. “And you better get back to Arts and Crafts. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” I didn’t want her to leave, and I didn’t want to leave, but didn’t want her to be in trouble because of me.

            She frowned. “Ok. They are probably wondering where I am anyway.”

I took both of her hands, and kissed her cheek. “I love you, Pipes. See you later!”

            Piper hugged me. “I love you too.”

            I jogged to the weapons shed, a few hundred feet from where I left Piper standing. I could see her watching me from a distance. She’s so cute.

            I lugged out a heavy shield, and managed to blow her a kiss. She waved back, and my heart jumped.

            Logan was going to skewer me when I got back; I knew it. But, I had a date with my amazing girlfriend, and if that isn’t wonderful, I don’t know what is.

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