Chapter 26 JUST-KIDDING-!!

Start from the beginning

" Yeah, yeah! You don't have to tell me twice, Goku. And by the way, the ' cloud thingy & the pig ' has a name, you know?! " 

" Oh, what?! Mr.Cloudy and Mr.Pig?! " I wrote back. 

" No! Are you stupid! Try watching Dragon Ball episode one, again! Or better yet, watch the first season again! Get your facts straight! " 

" Excuse me! At least I don't have a stupid brain like yours! " 

" What did you say to me?! At least I don't have an UGLY Face like you! " 

That's it! I stood up and I ripped the paper into pieces. " Miss.Lucy, is something that matter? " Sir.Gildarts asked me. 

" Nope. Nothing-at-all. " I replied, sitting back down. Then I looked at Natsu and gave him a death glare. 

~Sometime Later~

Finally, Sir.Gildarts dismissed us and we all went home. Except for me. I went back to the cemetery to take another look at Mom's grave. I looked at the grave stone. 

~Flashback - 6 Years Ago...~ 

(She went to the cemetery by herself and she didn't tell anyone) I was standing at mom's grave. Is she really dead? Is she really gone? Is she really safe in heaven? I started crying. I fell to my knee's as I stared at my mom's grave. Why did she have to leave me? Now, I'm gonna to be all alone. I just kept on crying. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up and there was this boy. I couldn't see his face to well. Mostly because, there was tears in my eyes, but...because his bangs were covering his eyes and it created a shadow. He also had pink spiky hair. " It's okay. My mom died too...and she died on the same day as your mother... " He said. 

" *Sniff, Sniff* She did? " I asked, as he kneeled next to me. 

" Yep. It's okay. Things will get better. I promise. " Then he hugged me. I started crying even more than before. I hugged him back. 

" What's your name? " He asked. 

" *Sob* Lucy Heartfilia. *Sniff* " I replied. 

" I see. Hi Lucy! My name is- " 

~End of Flashback~

He seemed nice. Although, I don't remember how he looks like. But I remember he had a kind voice. I wonder what's his name. And I wonder...

Will I ever be able to meet him again? 

- To Be Continued!

Author's Note

Hey minna! Sophie here! Again, this is only my free time. I just finished my other projects and I'm finally finished all three. Two, I already presented and I just have to present one more thing. I might not update any of my books, tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Why? Because I have to study for an up-coming test and also, I want to catch up with some of my anime(s) and I want to watch some more of K-Drama, J-Drama, and F-Drama (Filipino drama). If you would like to recommend me any, comment to tell me or pm (Private Message) me. Either way, I'm okay with it! =)

Here are the people that I wanna thank! XD












Thanks guys! Your the best! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Sorry if I did somethings wrong, because I have forgotten some of the character's from Dragon Ball, since, I haven't watched it in so long. I first watched Dragon Ball, when I was like...8 or 9. Well, that's all for today! See ya all in the next chapter! Ja Ne! >.<

- Sophie (A.K.A Sophie_Otaku123)


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P.S. #Rowen!<3

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