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Samantha stared at her doctor in...disbelief? Doubt? She wasn’t sure what she was feeling but a rumbled stirred inside her, a deep reverberating rumble, that spread throughout her to the tips of her fingers and visible shook her body with tremors until it finally reached her brain and she knew exactly what she was feeling. The tears that watered her eyes with a thin filament broke free in a slow stream while her mouth pursed together to form a deep scowl. This all happened in but a few seconds but the doctor saw it and he knew to duck.

Samantha seized her chair and hurled it the aggravating face that had caused her rage. He crouched just as it flew helplessly into the wall and rebounded with a fractured leg.

“Nurse!” he shouted in alarm. Samantha saw him unnerved for the first time and it delighted her. But delight cannot smother blood boiling anger.

“You bastard!” she shouted. Samantha grabbed his chair as well. “Is this a fantasy!?” The chair was sent flying towards the doctor and again he narrowly ducked. “If I kill you will die in real life or imagination!? Huh!? Answer me!”

“Nurse!” he repeated urgently.

“Do you think I imagined it when the skin was melting off my face!?” Samantha ripped and tore at the bandages on her face and for the first time she willingly revealed her grotesque secret. The skin had dissolved and fused together like melted chocolate that had harden wrong. Parts of it was discolored and patchy and her left eye drooped down like it was slowly dripping down her face. The corner of her lip had sealed together and almost half her nose was missing. The right half of her face was almost completely untouched and showed portrait perfect looks, porcelain skin, and silver blue eyes. Had she been complete she would have been an angelic beauty.  

“Do you think I imagined this!?” she screamed. “Is this in my mind!?”

“Samantha, you should calm down now.”

“How can I be calm with a face like this!”  

The door burst open and two male nurses and one female with a syringe crashed through. They caught the wild beast just as she was about to spring on the doctor and wrestled with her. Samantha fought furiously but they were two grown men and she was a malnourished young woman who had been small to begin with. They pinned her to the ground but at a cost. Her fangs sunk into the thick skinned flesh of male nurse number two and he howled in pain.

“She bit me!” he yelled. “The little mongrel bit me!” Samantha took the opportunity to wiggle out of his grasp and take another lunge for the doctor.

“I will kill you!” she screamed. Her attack was cut short by the bone breaking grip of the male nurse number one. Pain spread across her stomach and Samantha would later realize that the pain was cause by nurse number one punching her in the stomach to immobilize her. Meanwhile, the female nurse struggled to find a part of Samantha that wasn’t flailing and fighting. Every time the syringe got close to Samantha she would swat it away or swing wildly at the nurse.

“Get that thing away from me!” she snarled. “You white frosted tramp!” The nurse saw Samantha’s face clearly and froze.

“Hurry up and inject her!” male nurse number one shouted at her. But she was paralyzed with horror and clutching the silver cross around her neck. The girl looked like some kind of mutant, a half angel half demon.

“What the hell is she...” the nurse breathed.

“Let me go! Get off!” Samantha screamed at her captures. They were veterans and more accustom to the horrors of White Haven.

“Her arm’s loose!”

“Still think I’m dreaming!?” she screamed at the doctor.

“I got it!”

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