Chapter 11

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Lucifi yelped as he dodged falling rocks. He had sensed a familiar presence and found Rey coming towards him with her lightsaber in her hand still deactivated. He didn't wait for her to reach him though before ducking through the crowd a moment before a blast from something outside tore at the cavern's stability. Snoke had already fled and the other Knights of Ren, upon seeing one leader abandon the room for a safer place and another lying injured on the floor, had fled or been crushed by rocks and their own allies in the chaos. He wanted to run too, to find a safe place to escape, but he couldn't leave his master to die... not to mention a part of him wanted to turn and face Rey for some unknown reason. It was like she was reminding him of something... Lucifi glanced back at her thoughtfully as she started a battle with some of the remaining Knights of Ren alongside her companion.

Unease filled him, like he was going the wrong way, but he shoved it aside and knelt down as he reached Kylo Ren and Zein. "Master?"

"She's unconscious, she won't hear you." Kylo's voice stopped him from calling to her again.

He turned to look at the fallen man. "We need to leave."

"I know that!" Kylo snapped at him and fell to the ground after a failed attempt to stand.

"Your leg..." Lucifi flinched under the Sith's gaze. "It's dislocated in two places... I'll have to put it back."

Silence followed his words as the Master of Ren stared at him before finally giving him a nod. "Quickly."

He moved into a better position and felt Kylo's leg for the exact points before correcting his hand placement and twisting them. A pop followed the movements but Kylo never flinched or gave any sign of pain, which Lucifi admired greatly as he stood back up and backed away to give Kylo Ren space to move.

"Distract them, I'll get her out of here." Kylo instructed as he picked up Zein's limp form.

Lucifi gave his master's battered form one last look before activating his lightsaber and turning to face Rey as she stalked towards him, the other Jedi and a slightly familiar Wookie in tow. He took his battle stance and scowled at them under his helmet, a slight headache forming in the back of his head. The Wookie made a growling sound and raised his weapon.

"Are you sure Chewie?" The male Jedi questioned.

The Wookie, Chewie, gave another angered sound and fired his weapon, which Lucifi quickly deflected.

"Then he probably knows where Alder is too." Rey responded, though she also cast a glance at Kylo's retreating figure. "Finn, think you can stop him?"

The other Jedi nodded. "Of course."

Lucifi lunged for Finn in an attempt to stop him but came up short as a purple blade activated barely a centimeter in from of his face. Rey's voice made him turn back to her. "You're not going anywhere until I get Alder back."

Chewie made a snarling sound that suggested he didn't want Lucifi leaving at all.

"So be it." He spat at her, his gaze fixated on the purple lightsaber... it called to him for some reason, though that reason was lost to him completely as the fight started and he was forced to deflect her blue lightsaber and the purple one. "You'll never get out of here alive."

Another shudder went through the ceiling and more rock fell around them as they fought. Behind him, Lucifi could see Finn force Kylo Ren to retreat, his mentor no longer with him but lying safely near an overhang to protect her from falling rocks. He knew it wasn't Kylo's fault for being forced to leave her behind but anger surged through him for it... That led to Lucifi's own downfall. Pain flooded him as a blaster hit his stomach and sent him to the ground; blood seeped out of the partially burned wound as he watched Rey block the Wookie from sight, her gaze boring into him like flames.

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