5591 Avenue Boulevard

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"What happened to your face?" I asked.

I was sitting on Max's bed while he was spinning around in the chair at his desk. I've never been in his room. It was very... Max. Band posters everywhere, drink cans, and ,occasionally, some schoolbooks.

"Ryan the moron. Well, more specifically, Adric happened to me? What's that guy's last name anyways? Is it-"

"What do you mean 'Adric'? He punched you?" I asked, cutting him off. Max made a 'maybe' face.

"Well, yes and no. We were both trying to, uh... get Ryan, and we ended up hitting each other," Max said, hanging his head. I frowned. This means Adric was also hurt.

"I can't believe your expelled!" I said, throwing my hands up.

"Actually, we're just suspended. But, go ahead, throw your little tantrum," Max said, spinning in his black, leather desk chair.

I groaned and walked out of his room. I called Adric.

"What?" he answered in a scratchy voice.

"Where do you live?" I asked, grabbing a coat and walking out the door.

He paused and didn't answer for a minute. "5591 Avenue Blvd. Why do you want to know, Annabel?"

He's never said my full name before, but the way he said it reminded me of how my dad used to say it when I was in trouble. Usually, I would giggle, and start running away while he chased me, laughing. Of course, I was 4 at the time and now, at 16, all it made me do was shiver. Of course, this was Adric, not my father, which was a lot scarier.

I grinned. "You'll find out when I get there."

I heard shuffling. "Wait, wha-"

I pressed end.


I've been walking around his neighborhood for 20 minutes and I haven't found a 5591 Avenue Blvd. I saw a man walking his dog and ran up to him.

"Excuse me, do you know where 5591 Avenue Blvd. is?"

He looked at me strangely but gave me directions. I thanked him and went where he told me. I looked around the spot and frowned. There's nothing here except a bunch of trees! I frowned and walked into the 'forest.' What I saw there was a large house.

I looked at the mailbox. "5591 Avenue... Boulevard..." I said to myself. THIS WAS ADRIC'S HOUSE?! It was larger than Sam's! And his was a mansion! I walked up to the door and rung the doorbell.

Adric answered without a shirt on. He also had a giant bruise on his left cheek. I frowned at his, but he smiled at me, wincing at his bruise shifting. He held the door wide open.

"Hey. Come on in. I never thought you would visit me," he said as I walked in. Man, this place was awesome. They had a couple leather couches in the living room with a marble coffee table, a cute staircase, and an even cuter Border Collie. I pet him/ her and it licked all over my face, it's tail wagging.

"Delilah! No," Adric said. Delilah put her head down low and walked off while I frowned. Adric gently rubbed his bruised cheek and I looked around awkwardly.

"Uh, wanna go up to my room and tell me what happened in History today?" he suggested. I nodded and we headed upstairs.

Adric's room was blue. Bright, sky-blue which I thought didn't really match his eyes. He had a king-sized bed and a small window seat with yellow curtains. I smiled at the cute little room. He plopped down on his bed and stared at me with icy eyes.

"I'm glad you came, I really am. But... why?" he asked as Delilah walked back in. I sat down beside him and started messing with my fingers, popping them and twisting them.

"You all of a sudden didn't show up to class, I didn't know what to think since I was the one who left you. I already talked to Max, but what happened to Ryan?" I said, not daring to look up. Delilah looked up at me with green-gray eyes.

Adric sighed. "You know, I don't really know. He spotted us and Max and I got fired up and... yeah, it went downhill from there," he laughed silently. I was still frowning, but managed a small smile.

I laid back and he laid back with me, turning his head to look at me. Then, Delilah jumped up and sat between us, blocking our views from each other. We both laughed and knocked her off. Then, I cuddled up really close to Adric and tucked my head under is chin and into his chest. He smelled faintly of coffee beans and tutti-frutti. Huh. What a weird mix.

"Hey, Annabel." This time, he didn't say my name like my dad would. He said it like it was melted chocolate, smooth and savory. I giggled, probably in delusion.

"Hey, Adric." I was still giggling. He pulled me up so I was facing him.

"I really like you."

I looked at him for a minute and smiled, blushing. "I like you too," I mumbled. He laughed and we cuddled up again.


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