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Miss Donovan eventually showed up to class, but Adric never did. All throughout class, Sophia and Jackson would glance at me, then at Adric's desk. I shrugged and continued 'listening' to Miss Donovan talk about Greece, our new unit.

"This unit, we will be doing a project in groups of 3."

Everyone 'awed' in disappointment. Miss Donovan sighed and frantically flipped through her notebook. I rested my chin in the palm of my hand. She obviously wasn't very good at dealing with problems. She must've grown up rich or something.

"Okay, okay. I guess since there are 9 of you, we could do one group of 4 and one group of 5?"

Everybody turned there heads to look at each other, nodding and agreeing. Miss Donovan smiled and she continued talking about our project.

"In this project, you will be studying a greek idol or icon. Aphrodite, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are all okay. But if you want, you can do different things like Cerberus or a Centaur or Hercules. Just do something everyone has heard of. Got it?"

"Got it," we all said.

She smiled and was about to say something when they bell rang, marking the end of class. We all stood up and rushed out, but I stopped just in time to remember.

"Miss Donovan, where was Adric today?" I asked, trying my best to play the 'teacher's pet.'

She sighed and took her glasses off and shook her head, her black hair flying around her. "That boy... Annabel, you're a good kid. You don't need to worry yourself with a boy like-" I cut her off by slamming my hand on her desk.

"Where is he?" I repeated, impatiently. She looked taken aback.

"In Mrs. Myers office. Now, go on to you're next class," she said, shooing me away. I scoffed and walked out. I feel like Leo.

I walked in Mrs. Myers office and went straight to her desk, finding no one there.

"Mrs. Myers?" I yelled, looking in the back for someone.

"Yes, dear? Just a second, I'll be right there!" I hear from the door behind her desk. I hear some shuffling and she soon walks out holding a stack of papers. She smiles a sweet, cheeky smile at me.

"Well, hi Annabel! Long time no see," she said, leaning on the desk. "Now, what can I help you with?"

I smiled. "Have you seen Adric? He didn't show up to class and I was... concerned."

Her smile faded and she stood up straight (as straight as she could, she was fairly short.)

I furrowed my eyebrows and she sighed. "Adric... well... Annabel, I think it was a mistake for me to have put you two in the same classes."

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"He's a troublemaker and you're a good girl. I don't want you to get into trouble or-"

"What?!" I exclaimed this time. I closed my eyes and let out a breath, calming myself. Then, I opened them back up and tried again. "Mrs. Myers, please just tell me what he did."

"Why don't we sit down first."

We both sat down in chairs and she started explaining. "Max Webb and Adric are being expelled."

"What? Why? What did-" She looked up at me with dark eyes and I shut up.

"I was walking down the hall after lunch when I see Adric and Max beating up Ryan Spence! I immediately take all 3 of them to my office and start asking questions. Ryan doesn't say anything, but Adric and Max are over here telling me how he hurt YOU and how their going to avenge you. Of course, I expelled all 3 of them, but can you please tell me-"

I'm out the door in an instant. Crap, I should've never left them! I run to 6th period and open the door, causing all eyes to turn to me. I look around the room and don't see Adric, so I leave. I'm running out of the school and towards home when I get a call. I answer without looking to see who it is.

"Hello?" I asked, still running.

"Woah, girl. You runnin' a marathon or something?" I hear Clide say.

"More or less. What is it, I'm kinda in a hurry."

"In a hurry for what? Aren't you supposed to be in 6th period right now?"

Crap. He found me out. "Doesn't the same go for you?"

I spot the house when he replies. "Don't tell anyone about me and I won't tell anyone about you."

"Alright, deal. Now what do you-" I stop when I open the front door. Clide sits there on the couch, phone up to his ear and playing with a headband. He turns to me like a deer in headlights. I smirked and ended the call.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" I asked. Then I remembered. "I don't have time for this," I said running upstairs to Max's room. I banged on the door.

I heard a scratchy,"What?" I threw open the door and faced Max. Max, who had a black eye.

He held up his hands. "It's not what it looks like, officer."


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