I can see my father in my periheral looking at me funny but I can't seem to stop staring at Mr tall, dark, and sexy as shit. Oops! I meant Chritian. "Stop it phoebe", I chastise myself in my mind,"He is going to be your stepbrother, you can't be having these feelings towards him-"

    "Christian, why don't you show Phoebe to her room so she can put her stuff in there and after, both of you come to the dining room, Dinner will be in 5 minutes". Jocelyn says, interrupting my thought process.

    Oh no. Now I'm going to be alone with him for a whole 5 minutes. I seriously need to get a handle on myself before he thinks I'm a nut case.

    He comes walking up to me and before I know it, he starts gathering all of my suitcases with little effort and walks away with the 3 heavy items. I start to protest but then he looks back at me and gives me a look with those sexy as fuck eyes, telling me he's got this.

I stumble after him, going towards the dark wood staircase on the right, and within 5 seconds, we stop at the top. Man does he walk fast, im having trouble keeping up with his stride.

    We turn to the right and go down the dark wood hallway with an arrangement of beautiful paintings on the wall. Those alone must have cost a fortune. I wonder where they got all their money from.

As I ponder this, we stop at the door at the end of the long ass hallway. I could really get a good workout by just walking around this palace.

    When he opens the double doors, I watch his shoulder muscles flex with the movement. My god, I can tell he's really built. There's no doubt in my mind that he has a six pack.

When he opens the doors, I have to blink hard twice to make sure i'm not dreaming. The room has all dark wood accents. Starting from the canopy bed with the dark red sheets and curtains all the way to the surrounding bedroom furniture. There's even a balcony on the far right with red curtains billowing in the breeze.

    Next to that I see another set of double doors that im guessing is a walk-in closet. On the left side of the room there is an armoir, dresser, and vanity. Next to that I see a single door. The whole room sort of gives off a sensual vibe, with the dark reds and wood.

Only after I note this I feel someone breathing on my neck. Warm breaths making my heart pump faster and my breathing to get quicker.

    Even from behind me I can smell him. He smells of the forest, strong colon, and something distinctly male. His scent alone is making me all heady.

    Before I faint from just being close to him, he speaks for what seems like the first time in ages.

    "This is your room" he whispers, his lips so close to my ear I can almost feel them caressing the lobe. I shutter.

    He gently takes my arm and turns me around. I feel fire where his fingers are imprinted on me. My blood pumping hot. Oh so hot, making my cheeks flush. "Are you okay?" He asks me, looking deep into my hazel eyes with his own.

    There's that pull I feel again. Its in my womb, begging me to do something about it.

    As I look into his wide eyes, I know he can tell what I'm feeling. He see's something brewing in my eyes; he can sense it. He moves his face. Closer. Closer. Clos-


    Shocked, he pulls away from me like he's been burned. He turns around swiftly, stalking to the door. There he stops but doesn't turn around.

    "Let's go" he says, sounding kind of angry and leaving no room for questioning. Still trying to catch my breath, I dumbly follow him out of my room, into the hallway.

My dark, sexy, possessive stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now