"What are you doing?" I asked trying to step around him, but he just followed my movements.

"Tonight hasn't gone quite planned out as I thought it would, but I still have a surprise for you."

"Tanner, we talked about this okay, I don't like surprises. So just what is it?"

It's not that easy. Close your eyes."

"What? No, you close your eyes."

"Sarah, dammit please just close your eyes." Sighing as I looked at him I shook my head and closed my eyes. I felt Tanner move around me and take hold of the crutches, as he pulled them away from me I stumbled putting all of my weight onto my right leg.


"Shh," was all I got in a response, next thing I know I was being lifted up, off of the ground. I let out a little squeal as I grabbed onto his shoulders, opening my eyes. "Close your eyes," he exclaimed as I quickly re-closed my eyes laughing.

When I heard the sound of something hollow, I asked him, "we almost there?" I didn't get an answer. All I got was the feeling of Tanner setting me down and turning me around putting a hand over my eyes. "You ready?" I felt him remove his hand, and his shoulder brushed against mine letting me know that he was now standing beside me. "Open."

When I opened my eyes I was surprised, sucking in a deep breath I looked at the little table that was sitting next to the edge of the dock, with a small bucket sitting on it. There was fire sitting in the bucket, the flames shooting up out of it. Two chairs sat at each corner of the table, I smiled when I saw the crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows sitting on top of it. That's when I felt it, the stinging in my eyes, I looked over at Tanner who had been watching my reaction the whole time. His face was one of hope, and promise as I threw my arms around him and hugged him, pulling him close I moved my head into the crook of his neck.

"Sarah?" He pulled me back and looked at me his expression starting to turn to one of worry.

"I love it." I shook my head and looked back to the table, "no one has ever done something like this for me. Thank you." He smiled at me giving me that boyish smile of his, the one I that I hadn't seen since New York.

Laughing I brought my thumb to my mouth eating the burnt marshmallow, " I still can't believe you like your marshmallows burnt." He exclaimed making me smile.

"And I can't believe you like yours golden brown. I mean seriously "golden brown" what kind of color is that, and that's just a waist of perfectly good marshmallowy goodness." I said going to grab another one.

Before I could grab another one Tanner swatted at my hand, "ow! What was that for?" I asked pulling my hand to my chest as I rubbed it.

"No more, you're going to spoil your dinner."

"Oh, I'm so sorry mom." I watched as he smiled and got up running down the dock. When he got to the end he picked up a bag I hadn't noticed was sitting there. "What is that?" I asked as he walked back towards me.

"A surprise." He laughed as I shot him a glare, "I'm kidding. It's Olive Garden," he said sitting down. He pulled some boxes out of the bag, along with some plates, and silverware.

"When did you prepare all of this?" I asked him as he put some food onto my plate.

"An uncle who still lives here, picked everything up."

"Someone lives here, as in here, here?" I asked pointing around us.

"No, he lives a few miles away. He stayed here with my grandpa, taking care of him, you know."

"Right." The mood seemed to drop until he pulled out two wine glasses, and a bottle of red moscato. "Oh," I said picking up the bottle it was Barefoot, "drink cheap huh," I said as I grabbed the bottle opener.

"Hey," he said as he yanked the bottle out of my hands, along with the opener. "Be nice this is the most I could get out of my uncle." I smiled and watched as he tried to open it, finally giving up after two minutes he handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said as I took the bottle from him. I leaned it forward and made sure he was watching, "okay so you put the opener right here on top of the cork and you just twist," I said as I started twisting the top of the opener.

Soon enough I got the cork out and Tanner took the bottle back saying that he had to pour it, though I don't understand why because he poured to much into my glass. I guess the more the merrier, right?

After my third glass things started to get a little blurry, but I stick it out and just set my glass down, deciding that it was time to stop drinking.

"You okay?" I looked up at Tanner smiling softly I replied.

"I'm fine, just I don't want anymore." I looked out at the water trying to steady my vision.

Next thing I know a hand reaches out I looked down at it and up a Tanner. "May I have this dance?" He asked, setting his phone on the table hitting play on Spotify, a thousand years by Christina Perri started playing. I smiled up at him and took his hand, standing up we moved a little ways down the dock.

When I was standing in front of him it was a little awkward, because I had a cast on my leg. So looking up at him he looked down at me in confusion, "what's wrong?" He asked.

"Well I can't dance with a cast on my leg," I exclaimed as I looked down at my plain white cast.

He seemed to be contemplating something, then all of a sudden he lifts me up and sets me on his feet. "I guess I can dance for the both of us." I laughed, throwing my head back in doing so, when I looked back to him he started moving left and right.

The song didn't last long, and when it was over Tanner set me down so I wasn't standing on his feet anymore. My vision had mostly returned but my head had started to hurt, yawning Tanner looked down at the time. "It's past midnight. Do you want to head back?" I nodded my head as I felt arms lift me up off of the ground.

When I heard the door shut I opened my eyes and watched as Tanner retreated back to the dock to clean up the mess we had made.

The next thing I know I'm being carried, so wrapping my arms around his neck I opened my eyes to see that we were walking to the elevator. When we got upstairs and Tanner opened the door he carried me in setting me down on the bed. All I remember is when I turned around he was there. Wrapping my arms around his torso I laid my head down on his chest and fell asleep.

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