Chapter 6

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He walked up I flashed my spear at him he stopped "That's right you so called man of steel, you pretend to like this city huh you're a fake pile of shit!" :Where did you get that?" Asked Superman. None of your business I took the gun out and shot a few rounds "You aren't a Super hero you're a frod, you always will be" "Quit being a hero or I'll make!" you said Batman "I dare you." That's it I ran and kicked him right in the chest I had put kryptonite in my suit he's done from now on no more hero's. I threw my spear while he was flying back up went right thru his skull it's over I'm done he's done. This city is done Alfred typed in his name but couldn't make it out alive. Another death cause of my stupidity where did my like go wrong.

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